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Editor's Pick

A lot can get lost amid today’s information overload - that's why every week we curate highlights from the garment and textiles industry for you. From new initiatives, events, webinars, flagship reports, trainings to services, we'll help you stay current with the industry’s news and latest updates around Decent Work and Sustainable business practices.

Did you know...?

Did you know...?

That the 3D Tech Festival 2024 brought together global leaders from fashion and technology to explore how digital innovation is reshaping the industry? With a focus on sustainability and the future of fashion, the event highlighted the challenges brands face and the vital role 3D technology plays in overcoming them. 

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That circular economy strategies in the apparel industry often overlook social impacts, focusing instead on profits and sustainability? The study “The Social Impacts of Circular Strategies in the Apparel Industry” reveals how these approaches perpetuate poor working conditions and gender inequality. 

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That millions of women in Asia's garment and textiles sector face multiple vulnerabilities? The UNFPA’s Workplace Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) programme is working to change this by demonstrating the positive health and economic impact of investing in SRHR services for employees. A recent case study highlights how Shahi Exports improved menstrual health in the workplace, leading to better workforce health and productivity.

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That two years after the signing of the Dindigul Agreement, significant progress has been made in eliminating gender-based violence in the Eastman factories? The recently published report by the Global Labour Institute summarizes all the important findings.

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That the "Dialogue for Sustainability" approach has supported over 100 Pakistani factories from the textile and associated sectors successfully in transforming towards sustainable production? 

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That a new report from Fashion Revolution reveals that major fashion brands are falling short in their climate commitments, needing to invest at least 2% of their annual revenue to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy?

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That the new "Collective Action for a Safe Commute" manual provides practical checklists for employers and workers in the garment and footwear sector to enhance commuting safety? This guide encourages collaboration among all stakeholders, including brands, suppliers, and government, to address and mitigate commuting risks faced by workers.

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Did you know...?

That after weeks of violent protests that led to the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh's most vital industrial sector, the garment industry, has reopened? Read here to find out what implications this has for the textile sector in Bangladesh.

Did you know?

Did you know?

That we launched the Asia Garment Hub exactly three years ago? See who’s celebrating with us, meet the team behind the platform, and hear from our co-directors about the Hub's milestones.

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That training and up-skilling are essential for the Vietnamese textile and garment industry's recovery and competitiveness? Read our interview with Mr Truong Van Cam, Vice President and Secretary General of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS).

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Did you know...?

That the "Apparel Supplier’s Guide 2.0: Key Sustainability Legislation in the EU, US, and UK" is out? Dive into our comprehensive overview page, where you'll find all the insights. This guide is designed to empower suppliers in the apparel value chain, and anyone looking to grasp the upcoming sustainability legislation in the Global North, to understand how these changes will affect them. Don't miss out on staying ahead in the industry—explore the guide now!

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Did you know...?

That the RISE Digital program enhances digital literacy, promotes health and financial resilience, and provides tools for stress management for workers and managers? Join us as we explore its key features and global impact.

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That the Climate Education Tool can help small and medium-sized enterprises to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions? And that this tool is available free of charge? 

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That the World Economic Forum suggests five ways to integrate gender equality into the Asian garment industry's supply chains? Thus, according to WEF, implementing more equitable policies and proactive measures, the Asian garment industry has the potential to lift millions of women workers out of poverty while promoting inclusive economic growth.

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That Shift, the leading center of expertise on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, created FAQs on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) specifically addressing the questions and concerns from companies? 

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Did you know...?

That the Asia Garment Hub has a new Skills Development section? Explore resources, latest news, and in-depth interviews on the topic of Skills Development in the garment and textiles sector. Stay informed in today's rapidly changing world by discovering how to acquire and enhance essential skills. Connect with leading organizations and projects dedicated to Skills Development.

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Did you know...?

That the Issara Institute has a clear goal and that is to change global supply chains for the better? Read our interview with Lisa Rende Taylor, Founder & Executive Director and founder of Issara Institute, about what still needs to be done to achieve truly ethical supply chains in the garment and textiles sector and what kind of platform workers need to voice their concerns.

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Did you know...?

That in Colombo, Sri Lanka, workers are creating vibrant abstract artworks and posters to destigmatize mental health issues? The Better Work Sri Lanka initiative uses art therapy to promote well-being and self-exploration in the workplace, raising awareness about mental health. Supported by the ILO, IFC, Levi Strauss Foundation, and the EU, the program targets workers in the manufacturing export sector, aiming to enhance job satisfaction and productivity. 

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That we've refreshed our Country Pages for Cambodia, China, India and Indonesia? Explore them for up-to-date national industry statistics from leading sources and and a listing of the most important industry players.

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That investors and banks can be used to drive sustainability improvements in the textile sector? Read our interview with Richard Wielechowski, Senior Investment Analyst at Planet Tracker, a nonprofit financial think tank.

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That McKinsey & Company has published a new analysis outlining six key challenges of decarbonization commitments and six actions to accelerate progress towards sustainability to help the fashion industry?

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That International Labour Day isn't just a commemoration, but a crucial call to action for global social justice? The International Labour Organization emphasizes advancing workers' rights worldwide, from supporting Bangladesh's transition to advocating for fair labor laws globally. Click here to learn more about the topic of Social Justice.

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Did you know...?

That our 2024 booklet is now available? Curious to explore what's inside? Take a closer look at our latest annual report to discover our content, topics, resources, features, collaboration partners, and the most recent facts and figures.

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That the Indian textile sector will develop significantly in the coming years? Read our interview with Dr. Naresh Tyagi, Chief Sustainability Officer of Aditya Birla Fashion & Retail Limited (ABFRL), one of India's largest fashion retailers, on tackling global challenges, sustainability efforts and corporate responsibility.

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That the European Union put forward new rules to ban textile & footwear destruction in the fashion industry? Find out more about the EU's new regulations on circular economy and which links will help you delve deeper into the topic. 

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After much back and forth, EU member states finally endorsed the EU Supply Chain Law. We sit down with Michelle Trimborn, Campaign Manager and Coordinator of the CSR Initiative Supply Chain Law, to discuss the latest developments, revisions made to the initial proposal, and the implications of the directive for the textile industry.

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That women are underrepresented in leadership roles in Ready-made-Garment (RGM) supply chain factories? Current efforts to promote them often fall short. A reflection on women's advancement beyond supervisory roles in the garment industry by Laura Macias, Global lead, Women Advancement & Leadership.

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That ReMade in Cambodia initially started as a small project to upcycle and reuse old clothes and has now grown into a sustainable fashion enterprise that transforms recovered textile waste into wearable products, empowering local designers ans raising awareness about the environmental impact of the fashion industry? 

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Did you know...?

That this February’s Supplier Meet-Up was an extension of January’s conversation about traceability? Participants were looking to understand which platforms and methods their peers are using to meet increasingly stringent traceability requirements. Which platforms are other people using? Who is paying for it? Is it brands? 

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Did you know...?

That the new report "From Catwalk to Carbon Neutral: Mobilising Funding for a Net Zero Fashion Industry" is out? The report is more than an analysis; it's a roadmap for unified action across the fashion value chain to collaboratively finance emission reduction efforts. 

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That the Better Work Viet Nam Annual Report 2023 was recently published? Learn more about the key takeaways from the report and why Vietnam's garment industry is in a challenging moment.

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That the German FDP party is currently blocking the EU Supply Chain Act? For Michelle Trimborn, Campaign Manager and Coordinator of the CSR Initiative Lieferkettengesetz, the situation is sending out the wrong signals. We talk to her about the CSDDD, the current difficulties, and what's at stake if it actually fails.

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That the Global Organic Textile Standard in cooperation with the Hague-based UpRights Foundation published the GOTS Due Diligence handbook for certified entities? Get a brief overview of what the handbook is all about and how it can help certified companies in creating and improving their management systems.

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That the Women Empowerment House (WE House) was founded in Cambodia in 2021? The initiative offers awareness-raising workshops, training and peer learning, especially for women in the textile sector, and equips them with tools to improve their working conditions.

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Did you know...?

That the discussion at this month's Supplier Meet-Up focused on traceability? What are brands and retailers trying to achieve with traceability requirements? What issues do suppliers face when it comes to data equity and traceability? 

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That around 1.2 million people die in road traffic accidents and injuries every year? And that in Cambodia, thousands of workers in garment and footwear factories risk their lives on the way to work using unsafe means of transportation? We talk to Mirjam Sidik, CEO of AIP Foundation, about the organization's work and how road accidents can be prevented.

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Did you know...?

That we have a newly designed area on the Asia Garment Hub called "Fashion Producer Collective"? If you would like to know more about the concept behind this term, what projects the collective is working on, why the collective might be of interest to you as a supplier and how you can get involved and benefit from it, click here to find out more.

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That we interviewed Anna Rüchardt, Head of Impact & Responsibility at HAKRO? If you want to know how to build and maintain good partnerships with suppliers, which criteria and values are important when selecting production partners and how to ensure equal rights for all, check out the interview!

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Did you know...?

That the ILO has published an Info Story on how Gender Equality can be achieved in global garment supply chains? Get a bird's eye view of the global garment industry. Find out what deficits in decent work still prevail, what the four biggest challenges for female garment workers are. But also what success stories there are to tell and how gender inequality can be overcome.

Did you know...?

Did you know...?

That the Hub has a dedicated section for trainings? Explore our Learnings & Tools and find specific e-modules and training opportunities for your stakeholder group. Learn how to improve, adapt or change the way you work with materials developed for your organization, company, business or institution.

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Did you know...?

That the webcast “Pathways to Paris goals: Runway to net zero in the fashion industry”, which took place during the 28th annual COP summit, brought together manufacturers and organizations to address the issue of decarbonization in apparel supply chains? In case you missed that discussion, we have summarized statements & key takeaways here. 

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Did you know...?

That EdTech pioneer Quizrr was founded 10 years ago? Together with co-founder Sofie Nordström, we take a look at the company's beginnings, challenges and achievements. We talk about the importance of scalable education and why human rights due diligence is no longer optional.

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Did you know...?

That RISE's goal is to transform business practices and create a more inclusive and equitable industry for all workers? Read our interview with Sethypong Sok, Country Representative of RISE Cambodia, about empowering workers and the importance of elevating women in the industry.

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That addressing modern slavery in your supply chains is both an ethical imperative and a strategic necessity. The Mekong Club offers companies a compelling reason to take action. A conversation with Clemence Aron, Programme Director, Mekong Club.

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Did you know...?

That Transformers Foundation's new report "Towards A Collective Approach: Rethinking Fashion’s Doomed Climate Strategy", points out that the sector’s approach to climate change, including Science Based Targets, are impractical and inequitable? 

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Did you know?

That this year, the Asian Dialogues Conference on Sustainable Production in the Textile and Garment Industry will focus on the topics of decarbonization and circularity in the light of EU legislations to support green development? The conference starts tomorrow. Find out more here!

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That garment workers in Bangladesh are taking to the streets to demand better wages and that there is a striking disparity between the minimum wage they are demanding and the minimum wage currently being offered? 

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That the Pakistani government introduced an Economic Revival Plan in June 2023? Read our Explainer that highlights key facts about the efforts to revive the economy and its possible impact on the textile sector.

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That the GCFF advocates for a global, full value chain perspective to transitioning the fashion industry to a circular? Read our interview with Holly Syrett, Impact Programmes and Sustainability Director, GCFF on what actions need to be taken to achieve a long-term, scalable and equitable transition to a circular fashion industry.

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Did you know...?

That textile supply chains are currently under close scrutiny due to their environmental impact? The Technical Seminar: A Deeper Dive #15 "Higg FEM 4.0 Changes: An opportunity for manufacturers to showcase their ambitions in sustainability", delves into whether suppliers are making progress in line with brand and retailer expectations and new local laws. 

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That the digitization of fabrics could lead to a sustainable change in the fashion industry? Read our conversation with Gabrielle Shiner-Hill, a renowned textile designer and product developer.

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That the Asia Garment Hub has launched a new section dedicated exclusively to the STAR Network? The Platform on Sustainable Textiles of the Asian Region is established by producer associations of the textile and garment industries of several Asian countries. 

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Did you know...?

That amfori introduced a new Supply Chain Grievance Mechanism (SCGM) Programme? Find out how it works, which groups should benefit from it, and how a complaint can be filed.

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That RISE: Reimagining Industry to Support Equality is a new initiative that was formed by BSR’s HERproject, Gap Inc. P.A.C.E, CARE, and Better Work? Let's take a closer look at what RISE is, which core strategies it pursues, and which specific areas of the garment industry it addresses.

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That the new Fair Work Monitor, conducted by CNV Internationaal in collaboration with Cambodian trade unions, has shed light on alarming issues surrounding the living conditions of garment workers in the country?

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That Bangladesh has a unique approach to implement model enterprise clinics in the RMG sector? Read our interview with Syed Saad Hussain Gilani, Chief Technical Advisor, ILO, about the importance of health facilities in RMG factories and what benefits they provide.

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That the legislative landscape and the difficulty of financing decarbonization, the challenge presented at August’s Supplier Meet-up – waste management – resonated broadly across the group?  

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That buyer surveys on Purchasing Practices do not produce credible data, and waste money and resources that brands and retailers could be spending elsewhere in the business? Read the latest article from Better Buying Institute President, Dr. Marsha Dickson and why she wants to put the brakes on, before this train gets out of control. 

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Did you know...?

That the textile industry in Pakistan has faced significant challenges in recent times, including the impact of the pandemic, economic crisis, and political unrest? Read our interview with Azizullah Goheer, Secretary General, of the Pakistan Textile Exporter Association (PTEA), to learn more. 

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Did you know...?

That exactly two years ago, we launched the Asia Garment Hub? Find out what our members have to say, get to know the team behind the Hub, and learn from our co-directors what exciting projects are coming up in the near future.

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Did you know...?

That grievance management - if handled right - can be an opportunity for more success in the factory? Read our interview with Sonja Westphal, founder and CEO of e-learning platform Sustify, about the importance of individual training, manufacturers' concerns, and why a system change is needed to introduce sustainable structures in grievance management.

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Did you know...?

That the launch webinar for the "Apparel Supplier’s Guide: Key Sustainability Legislations in the EU, US, and UK" is happening next Tuesday, 1 August? Don't miss out and register in time! You can find all information here. 

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That the EU Commission is proposing rules to make producers responsible for the full lifecycle of textile products and to support the sustainable management of textile waste across the EU?

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That leading apparel suppliers, in partnership with GIZ FABRIC and Transformers Foundation, will release a groundbreaking report on July 20th on sustainability-related legislation and their impact on global apparel suppliers and beyond?

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Did you know...?

That in light of the global trend towards digital payments, the importance of digital wages is on the rise? Read our interview with Virak Nuon, National Officer-Digital Wage Project of Better Factories Cambodia, about how digital wage payments have positively impacted workers' well-being in the garment industry.

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Did you know...?

That the Asia Garment Hub has a range of exclusive features from inside the industry in Asia? Dive into our new "Hub Exclusives" section and discover relevant topics from the garment and textiles industry!

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Did you know?

That German brand ARMEDANGELS recently stated in their marketing campaign that there are no sustainable products? Read our interview with Katya Kruk, Impact & Innovation Director at ARMEDANGELS, about brand values, the influence of consumer behavior, the importance of transparency and fair wages.

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That the first Bangladesh Circular Economy Summit is just around the corner and that the focus is on the general principles of the circular economy and how they apply to the Bangladesh economy as a whole and to the manufacturing sectors?

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That the challenge shared at this month Supplier Meet-Up was about the difficulty of establishing data supply chains for LCA analysis? Read the full reflection piece about the 'Hidden Burdens of Well-Intentioned Standards' here. 

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Did you know...?

That starting June 1, Remake is launching the #NoNewClothes Challenge? The challenge calls on consumers to not buy new clothes for 90 days. We speak with Katrina Caspelich, CMO of Remake, about how this challenge addresses the larger systemic issues in the fashion industry.

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That the European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia, in collaboration with GIZ FABRIC and TAFTAC, established the Responsible Business Hub (RBH) to address the increasing global demands for due diligence and sustainability?

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That the Dindigul Agreement is the first legally binding agreement on Gender and caste-based violence in Asia, involving brands, supplier factory, local trade union and global labor stakeholders? 

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That Pakistan's largest textile exhibition is coming up soon and that the theme of Texpo 2023 is "Weaving the way to Sustainability"? If you want to know more about Texpo, which stakeholders will attend, and what other topics will be discussed, you can learn more here. 

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That this month’s Supplier-Meet-Up was about switching from coal to biomass? The company in question had already invested significantly in renewables - they have their own solar farm, and their goal is to be 100% renewable and 50% carbon neutral by 2026.

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Did you know...?

That 10 years ago this month, over 1130 Bangladeshi workers died and thousands more were injured when the Rana Plaza building collapsed? We want to know what has changed? Is the industry safer, and the Bangladeshi government better able to monitor compliance? What challenges remain?

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That China is the world's largest exporter of textiles, with annual export revenues recently reaching $150 billion, and that more than 8 million people are employed in the textile industry? Learn more about the textile sector in China in our country profiles. 

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That our digital library holds more than 770 resources across eight focus topics, including Purchasing Practices, Climate & Environment, Gender, Business & Productivity, and Digitalization?

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That the objective of the Switch Garment project is to increase the competitiveness of Cambodian garment factories and decrease the industry's environmental impact through the adoption of sustainable energy practices?

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That Bangladesh already has existing complaints structures for workers in the export-oriented textile and garment sector?

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That the Sustainable Apparel Forum (SAF) promotes the Bangladesh Apparel Sector and strengthens collaboration among the most influential stakeholders in the industry to tackle systemic issues?

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Did you know...?

That Supplier Meet-ups are private off-the record conversations open only to suppliers held once per month and each month, one supplier shares a specific a challenge they’re facing while the rest of the group shares feedback and offers support? Read this month’s challenge related to the cost of material certification. 

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That you can learn a lot about Sustainable & Productive Business in the garment sector in just 5 minutes? Watch our Ask an Expert video with Anne Sutanto, Vice CEO of Indonesian Apparel giant PT Pan Brothers to learn more.

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Did you know...?

That we have a new theme page on the Asia Garment Hub? In this section you find news, best practices, current events and trainings around the topic of Due Diligence.

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That BMZ is organizing a side session together with UNEP at the OECD Garment Forum in February? If you want to know how to get out of the policy tangle and coordinate a sustainable and circular textile value chain, learn more here.

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Did you know...?

That at last month’s Supplier Meet-Up, we tried out a new format: one supplier volunteered to share a challenge they’re dealing with while the rest of the group helped explore possible courses of action? Read why you should let go of the belief that decarbonization saves money.

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That the amfori Climate Lab is a new initiative to raise climate awareness, deepen the conversation with amfori members, assess gaps and brainstorm collectively on ways to improve together and support each other?

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Did you know...?

That Germany's new act on supply chain due diligence came into force on January 1st, 2023? Find out what Dr. Marsha Dickson, president and co-founder of the Better Buying Institute, has to say about how brands and retailers can comply with Germany's new Supply Chain Due Diligence law.

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Did you know...?

That we recently updated our Supplier Meet-Ups page? And that the next Supplier Meet-Up will take place this Thursday 12 January at 9:30AM CET? Find out more here!

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That "Hanging by a thread - the textile industry in Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic" is a digital exhibition designed to summarise results and showcase activities from different projects of the German Development Cooperation that were implemented in the textile industry in Asia during the pandemic?

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Did you know...?

That German outdoor brand deuter has developed a Promise Policy? We talk to Marco Hühn, Head of Quality Management, CSR, Repair Service at deuter Sport GmbH, about the importance of understanding suppliers' needs, and how the Promise Policy can help prepare for corporate Due Diligence obligations in supply chains at national and EU level.

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Did you know...?

That Remake published its Fashion Accountability Report 2022 based on their updated scoring system, which measures companies’ actions towards social and environmental justice goals, rather than their promises alone? Learn more about the positive trends in the fashion sector in 2022 and the negative impacts that require urgent change.

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That we've completed our first video for our "Ask an Expert" section? If you want to learn more about transparency, watch the video and meet our experts Hannah Lennett and Ganga Sekar from the collaborative supply chain mapping platform Open Supply Hub.

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Did you know...?

That EdTech pioneer Quizrr reaches up to 1000 workers every day with its digital training tools? Read our interview with Spenser Bomholt Fain and Sandra Granath from Quizrr about the importance of representation, Quizrr's latest training course on Occupational Health & Safety, and what to consider when filming training materials.

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Did you know...?

That the next (virtual) Supplier Meet-Up is just around the corner? What’s being discussed? Host Kim van der Weerd picks up last month’s conversation to explore practical next steps vis-à-vis manufacturer collaboration. Is there a collaboration idea on the table that has enough interest that it’s worth testing?

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Did you know...?

That the Transformers Foundation's 2022 Annual Report has clear words when it comes to the issue of chemical certification? Unnecessarily complicated, woefully ineffective. Learn more about Fashion's chemical certification complex.

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Did you know...?

That the Asia Garment Hub has launched a new section called the "Asian Dialogues Series"? The series aims to cultivate regional, sector-specific dialogue and promote cooperation between actors from across the supply chain. Learn more about the series and who initiated it!

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Did you know...?

That the 27th UN Climate Conference could be the last chance for the fashion industry to fight climate change? Find out what's on the fashion industry's agenda at COP27.

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That the Labour First campaign is an effort to put the workforce first and to enhance the provision of social security in Punjab? Learn more about the campaign's objectives and who started it.

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That denim manufacturer Saitex became the first certified B-Corp factory in Asia? We speak to Oanh Nguyen, HSE & Sustainability Manager at Saitex about the challenges to implement lasting sustainability, responsible business, and the importance to include workers with different abilities.

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Did you know...?

That our author Kim van der Weerd is looking into the question of whether collaboration among manufacturers can help transform fashion? As a result of the recent Supplier Meet-Ups, she reflected on the difference between the terms "partnership" and "collective." Read her latest thoughts on the Asia Garment Hub's Supplier Meet-Up.

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Did you know...?

That the ILO has published its latest Workers' Manual on Productivity? Learn how the Guideline was developed and why it can help increase understanding and productivity in factories through enhanced social dialogue, compliance with labour standards and improved working conditions.

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Did you know...?

That the Thai garment and textiles sector remains a significant employer, providing jobs for some 850,000 workers - 70% of them female, and many of them migrants from neighbouring countries like Myanmar, Cambodia and Lao PDR? Check out our latest country profile on Thailand and discover more up-to-date data.

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Did you know...?

That Fashion Declares, an industry-wide bottom-up global movement, will host an event on "How to promote Transparency & Accountability in fashion supply chains?" Join the webinar and learn about the first steps to improve governance, transparency in fashion supply chains – moving beyond greenwash and diversity and inclusion.

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Did you know...?

That the latest reflections on the Asia Garment Hub’s Supplier Meet-Up provides you with practical tips for talking to manufacturers about decarbonization? Find out why many of the manufacturers attending the sessions were troubled with the way decarbonization is approached in the fashion industry and how an attempt to start to shift the dialogue could look like.

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Did you know...?

That after two years of COVID break, the Asian Dialogues Conference finally returned to the stage as an in-person event? In case you missed the conference, we have summarized the most important statements and key findings for you.

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Did you know...?

That we have launched a new section on the Asia Garment Hub called Ask an Expert? Whether you're looking to better understand the supply chain or make your workplace more socially and environmentally responsible, we hope this section can help you overcome barriers to action. This is why we're bringing in industry experts to help answer your questions.

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Did you know...?

That we recently revamped our Learnings & Tools section? If you're looking for specific training, e-modules, and learning opportunities for your stakeholder group, this is a good place to start. Find out how you can improve, adapt or change the way you work with materials specifically designed for your organisation, company, business or institution.

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Did you know...?

That financial inclusion increased all over the world last year despite COVID-19? Find out why the use of digital wages can enhance inclusion and led to enormous dividends for women.

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That web-based self-assessment tools like SheDil can help companies to conduct gender responsive human rights due diligence? An interview with Per N. Bondevik, human rights due diligence specialist in global supply chains, and co-developer of SheDil.

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Did you know...?

That exactly one year ago, we launched the Asia Garment Hub? Time for a look back at what has happened in this year. A conversation with the project's co-directors David Williams (ILO) and Constantia Chirnside (GIZ).

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That barriers and stigmatization prevent people with disabilities from participating equally in the labour market? Find out why this is especially true for the garment and textiles sector and what measures can be taken to advance the issue of inclusion.

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Did you know...?

That the recent debate over the Higg Index and the emerging industry focus on supply chain due diligence have something in common? You're just one click away from the answer. 

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Did you know...?

That the EU recently drafted a proposal for a new law that would tighten corporate due diligence in global supply chains? Find out what impact this will have on the garment sector!

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That the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) and Qima will run a webinar on ESG and Due Diligence risk assessment? Tune in to hear about how you can evaluate whether your risk assessment covers the basics, ways to add value with input from workers and communities and tactics for agility in your risk assessments.

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That governments around the world are increasingly moving to require corporations and businesses to take responsibility for the impacts of their supply chains by conducting what is known as human rights due diligence? Find out everyting what you should know about Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence!

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That the recent Better Buying Purchasing Practices Index revealed that brands and retailers who have subscribed with Better Buying over two or more supplier ratings cycles continued to improve their Purchasing Practices even during Covid-19?

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Did you know...?

That the Asia Garment Hub had hosted its second supplier meet-up in early June? Held on the first Thursday of every month, these informal and unrecorded sessions bring manufacturers together in conversation about sustainability topics affecting their business and the industry in Asia. This month's conversation was on the help and support required for decarbonizing the supply chain. Interested in this issue?

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That the Asian Dialogues on Sustainability in the Textile and Garment Sector hosted a session on the topic of to what extent will Due Diligence legislation shape Purchasing Practices, and how can suppliers make their voices heard?

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That the technical seminar "A deeper dive" will provide producers with an overview of the web-based training course “Climate Action Training for the Fashion Industry”? The training supports textile, garment and footwear manufacturers to better understanding the impact of climate change, to learn how to account greenhouse gas emissions and to implement measure to cut the emissions. 

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That our next Supplier Meet-Up is happening this Thursday? For this edition, it’s time to strategize! Building on last month’s decarbonization conversation, we’re looking at what the industry can take from existing models to achieve its climate goals (featuring the Apparel Impact Institute).

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Did you know...?

That the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), together with wagely, - a consortium of Quizrr and Ulula -, has launched a new initiative to boost financial inclusion for garment workers? The pilot will help 135,000 workers in Bangladesh (60% of whom are women) build financial and digital literacy skills so they can access services that empower and improve their lives. Find out more here!

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Did you know...?

That the Asia Garment Hub held its first Supplier Meet-Up last week? These informal and unrecorded sessions bring together garment factories from across Asia to discuss leading industry challenges.  Held on the first Thursday of every month, the most recent topic was on how factories are responding to brands’ climate and decarbonization targets. Check out our first reflection piece of the event series!

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That the promotion and implementation of responsible business practices including gender equality is no longer an option for companies, but a requirement by markets, and an opportunity for companies to be more competitive, productive and resilient to address labour-related risks?

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Did you know...?

That the Asia Garment Hub is hosting Supplier Meet-Ups on the first Thursday of every month? The first one is all about de-carbonization. Are de-carbonization targets sensitive enough to national context and infrastructure? If you're a supplier, join us on 5 May for an off-the-record discussion about what it would take to deliver on collective decarbonization goals.

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That it is becoming increasingly evident that making the transition from cash to digital payment solutions is an important driver for the financial inclusion and security of vulnerable populations?

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That more than 150 individuals and organizations have already registered on the Asia Garment Hub? Learn more about who’s doing what and where in Asia in our Who's Who section. 

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That green sustainability metrics are evolving quickly, with financial institutions increasingly adopting them? Find out why innovation in green financing is key to ensure a fair and just transition. 

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That there is guidance for brands and manufacturers in promoting the employment of people with disabilities in a non-discriminatory and practical manner? 

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That you can play an active role in shaping the Asia Garment Hub into one of THE leading platforms to help garment industry understand, promote and operationalize Decent Work and Sustainable business practices across the supply chain? Let us know what you think in our User Feedback Survey!

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Did you know...?

That the labour law app "Seth Yerng - Our Rights" aims to empower Cambodian garment workers and improve their knowledge of occupational health and safety issues and legislation? And that the app already hit 10,000 downloads since its launch in March 2021?

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That Better Work has launched a new eLearning course aimed at helping industry stakeholders understand the impacts of supply chain decisions?

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That the garment and textiles industry in Asia is a highly feminized sector? As a result, it is women workers who typically bear the biggest burden of the inequalities and injustices of the global fashion supply chain.

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Did you know...?

That nonprofit organization Remake has updated its approach to holding the industry to account? The 2021 Remake Fashion Accountability Report relies on the expertise of labour rights professionals, professors of human rights, employment, fashion and law and leading experts in the fields of sustainability, environmental justice, and circular economy.

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Did you know...?

That the garment and textiles production is one of the oldest industries in India, directly employing more than 45 million people, and that India is now the sixth largest exporter of garment and textiles in the world? Check out our latest country profile on India and discover more up-to-date data.

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Did you know...?

That the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector 2022 will explore a diverse array of themes critical to industry resilience and sustainability -from purchasing practices to supply chain dialogue models, living wages to climate risk mitigation and adaptation, and from mandatory due diligence to public procurement?

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Did you know...?

That 3D solutions for fashion design, development and merchandising can not only increase the efficiency of fashion companies, but also reduce the production of physical samples, speed up product development and reduce textile waste? Learn more about this topic and read our interview with Sharon Lim, co-founder and CEO of Tech Company Browzwear. 

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Did you know...?

That the ILO and BGMEA recently reached an agreement in which 700 safety committee members from 75 garment factories in Bangladesh will be trained on occupational safety and health (OSH), hazard identification and risk assessment, building safety culture, management of fire accidents and COVID-19 guidelines?

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That gamification can be a powerful educational tool in global supply chains? Swedish EdTech company Quizrr is launching a global program that turns important labour rights issues like responsible recruitment and forced labour into engaging content for garment factory workers, managers and other industry actors.

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Did you know...?

That the Asia Garment Hub has a dedicated section on Purchasing Practices in the apparel sector? Check out our newly revamped page to find latest news, events and multimedia content on the topic, as well as tailored resources for suppliers and buyers.
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Did you know...?

That the Global Deal organized a Masterclass Series on Sound Industrial Relations? In these sessions experts from the garments and textile sector discuss how to improve working conditions and productivity in the industry through Social Dialogue.

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Did you know...?

That supply chain resilience and transparency are vital issues for the fashion industry in the next twelve months? Find out where fashion - and sustainability - are heading in 2022.

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That the Asia Garment Hub has more than 500 unique resources on a wide range of decent work and sustainability topics? Click through our digital library to find data, analysis, audio and video content that suits your needs, and share your own resources with our growing industry community.

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Did you know...?

That there are 4,500 factories in the garment and textiles industry in Bangladesh, employing about 4,8 million workers, 61% of them are women? Interested in more up-to-date data on Bangladesh or other country-specific data? Then click through our country profiles!

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Did you know...?

That a recently published ILO paper on the post-COVID future of global apparel outlines 3 possible scenarios that could emerge in the industry after the pandemic?

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That Grievance Mechanisms, when used effectively, can offer the prospect of a real and sustainable resolution at the factory level?

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That ILO's self-directed training modules on Women’s Leadership and Gender Equality in the garment sector can help you identify the key challenges faced by women in the world of work?

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That clear procedures with strong messages from leadership can help reduce gender-based violence & harassment and make women workers feel safer?

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That a brand new technology has made it possible for manufacturers to recycle blends of cotton and polyester for the first time?

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That The Industry We Want (TIWW) is working on a new Purchasing Practices Metric and inviting manufacturers to have their say?

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The fashion industry is responsible for between 5% and 8% of global carbon emissions –more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined?

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That more than 60 million workers around the globe will benefit from the ILO code of practice on safety and health in textiles, clothing, leather and footwear industries?

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That STTI stands for Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative? Learn more about the initiative and the core principles that manufacturers have set out to prevent the companies they buy from breaching them.

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That the documentary «The Conscience of Clothing - Mode.Macht.Menschen.» is a film project providing an intimate insight into the precarious conditions Cambodian garment workers face?

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Did you know...?

The Asia Garment Hub offers a section specifically dedicated to the topic of Learning. Find trainings, e-modules and learning opportunities for your stakeholder group.

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Did you know...?

The Climate Action Training is designed to enable suppliers to achieve the 30% reduction target by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050 - An interview with Tracy Nilsson, adidas' Senior Director of Social-Environmental Affair.

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