Did you know...?

Did you know...?

That the European Union (EU) is pioneering a transformative initiative called the Digital Product Passport (DPP)? This initiative is designed to mandate transparency in product lifecycles, fostering sustainability and circular economy practices by 2026. Our explainer highlights the key facts about the DPP for the textile and garment sector.

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New Report: Towards a Collective Approach - Rethinking Fashion's Doomed Climate Strategy

New Report: Towards a Collective Approach - Rethinking Fashion's Doomed Climate Strategy

Transformers Foundation surveyed denim suppliers, finding that the sector’s approach to climate change, including Science Based Targets, are impractical and inequitable: they often ignore feasibility, context, fairness, and disproportionately burden suppliers financially.

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What's going on in...?

What's going on in...?

What are the current challenges in the garment and textiles industry in Bangladesh? How is the sector developing in China? What about labour rights and working conditions in Vietnam? Learn more about the issues shaping the industry in Asia's key sourcing hubs, with insights from leading industry experts in those countries.

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The Asia Garment Hub is an interactive Hub that benefits from the exchange and activity of its members. We hope to spur lively exchange and learning on the hub, helping to connect the industry and advance common goals, from overcoming the pandemic to making a just transition to a more sustainable future. Join the Asia Garment Hub today!

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Introducing the Asia Garment Hub

A one-stop shop for industry data, news, resources and tools. The Asia Garment Hub connects people and organizations from across the sector with a single vision –to make it fairer, more sustainable and more competitive.

Read exclusive content created for the Asia Garment Hub

ILO releases new guides to help garment factories become more resilient

ILO releases new guides to help garment factories become more resilient

Building business resilience during and after the COVID 19 pandemic has become one of the most important topics for garment manufacturers. Find out about recommended measures for factory managers in the new guides from ILO.

Let’s talk!  Social Dialogue helps Asian garment industry navigate the COVID-19 crisis

Let’s talk! Social Dialogue helps Asian garment industry navigate the COVID-19 crisis

Manufacturers from three countries share how worker-employer dialogue has been key to surviving the pandemic.

Voices of the industry: “This widespread breakdown across the industry has illuminated how fragile the system really was”

Voices of the industry: “This widespread breakdown across the industry has illuminated how fragile the system really was”

Industry experts agree that the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to shape garment production in Asia far into 2021 and beyond. Here are the perspectives of industry stakeholders.

Why the fashion industry needs to move beyond general commitments to carbon neutrality

Why the fashion industry needs to move beyond general commitments to carbon neutrality

Did you know? The fashion industry is responsible for between 5% and 8% of global carbon emissions –more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined?

“Fostering a recycling industry will definitely put Cambodia on the international map for circularity”

“Fostering a recycling industry will definitely put Cambodia on the international map for circularity”

An interview with Massimiliano Tropeano, FABRIC Asia, Senior Advisor for Garment Sector, about the importance of a better waste management and what solutions are available.

“The Climate Action Training is a foundational element for the textile and garment industry to upskill itself”

“The Climate Action Training is a foundational element for the textile and garment industry to upskill itself”

An interview with Tracy Nilsson, adidas' Senior Director of Social-Environmental Affair and a passionate advocate for sustainability issues in the fashion industry.

Moving the needle on gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector: why and how

Moving the needle on gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector: why and how

Inspired by the new report “Moving the needle - gender equality and decent work in Asia's garment sector", women leaders discuss persistent gender challenges in one of the most female-dominated industries and what we can do to tackle them.

How a community platform can empower women garment workers

How a community platform can empower women garment workers

Why create a safe space for women garment workers? The guidebook "How to set up a community platform for women garment workers" will provide you with the right answers.

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Latest Industry News

India’s eco-manufacturing shift: From trend to necessity with no shortcuts

India, aiming to become a global manufacturing leader, must align with international standards to meet global benchmarks and capture market share, especially as big brands pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions to ‘net zero’ and ensure traceable supply chains.

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Chinese Hengcheng Textile Factory boosts SCZone’s economic growth by $70M

In the Qantara West Industrial Zone of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone), the groundbreaking ceremony for the Hengcheng textile factory took place. This factory, backed by investments of $70 million, signifies a significant boost to the textile industry.

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Germany supports sustainable textile production

Most of the 75 million people employed worldwide in the textile and garment industry work in developing countries where production and working conditions do not meet international standards. Ensuring social and environmental sustainability in the global supply chain is vital. Germany combines consumer information, a multi-stakeholder partnership and a consumer label (the Green Button) to promote more sustainable textile value chains. Today, partnership members cover half of the German textile market, and nearly 80 German companies use the Green Button label, which is recognised by 40% of German consumers. The 2021 German Supply Chain Act will further strengthen due diligence and create a level playing field for companies.

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A lot can get lost amid today’s information overload - that's why every week we curate highlights from the garment and textiles industry for you. From new initiatives, events, webinars, flagship reports, trainings to services, we'll help you stay current with the industry’s news and latest updates.

What's going on in...?

What's going on in...?

What are the current challenges in the garment and textiles industry in Bangladesh?  How is the sector developing in China? What about labour rights and working conditions in Vietnam? Learn more about the issues shaping the industry in Asia's key sourcing hubs, with insights from leading industry experts in those countries.  

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This visual map shows who’s doing what and where in the industry in Asia. Search for partners and connect with organizations and initiatives working on Decent Work and Sustainability. Register a profile on the Asia Garment Hub to gain full access to the map and its features.
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Our Industry Calendar

Digital Threads: AI and Data Innovations in Fashion

2024-07-17 21:00:00+07:00 to 2024-07-17 22:00:00+07:00  (9:00 PM — 10:00 PM)  UTC+07


2024 Traceability & Sustainability Conference

2024-07-23 00:00:00+07:00 to 2024-07-24 23:59:59+07:00  UTC+07

Michigan, United States

Understanding Scope 1, 2, & 3 Emissions with Remake

2024-07-25 23:00:00+07:00 to 2024-07-26 00:00:00+07:00  (11:00 PM — 12:00 AM)  UTC+07


Eco Threads Episode 7 – Strategies for Waste Reduction and Management

2024-07-26 21:00:00+07:00 to 2024-07-26 22:00:00+07:00  (9:00 PM — 10:00 PM)  UTC+07


Localising the Circular Economy Concept under ASEAN Values

2024-08-09 15:00:00+07:00 to 2024-08-09 16:30:00+07:00  (3:00 PM — 4:30 PM)  UTC+07


"Trade and Sustainability": Workshop and Conference (29-30 August 2024, Mumbai) (Physical)

2024-08-29 11:00:00+07:00 to 2024-08-30 21:00:00+07:00  (11:00 AM — 9:00 PM)  UTC+07

Mumbai, India (Rendezvous, Taj Mahal Palace, Colaba)

Cascale Annual Meeting 2024

2024-09-09 00:00:00+07:00 to 2024-09-09 23:59:59+07:00  UTC+07

Munich, Germany

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