Skills Development

Skills Development in a changing world of work

In today's rapidly evolving world of work, shaped by technological advances, climate change, globalization, geopolitics and more, adaptability is becoming increasingly important for workers in the labour market.

Skills Development is a crucial element of this as it allows individuals to adapt to the changing demands of the workforce and enhance their employability. By acquiring, improving and broadening a range of skills and competencies, people can remain competitive in the labour market and take advantage of new opportunities. It is also necessary to ensure the productivity and competitiveness of factories around the world. By investing in a certain set of skills, business can improve their capacity to manufacture quality products and deliver them on time.

By investing in Skills Development, countries, enterprises, and individuals can unlock opportunities for employment and economic advancement, and help in building more inclusive societies.

Keen to find out more about Skills Development? This section provides latest news, data, analysis and learning resources on the subject, as well as opportunities to connect with leading skills organizations and projects.

Empowering women in Viet Nam's textile and garment industry: The importance of training, skills development, and gender equality

Empowering women in Viet Nam's textile and garment industry: The importance of training, skills development, and gender equality

Women dominate employment across most occupational groups in the manufacturing industry in Viet Nam, yet the share of women in management positions remains low. 

Brief: Towards a skills strategy for the textile and garment industry in Viet Nam

Brief: Towards a skills strategy for the textile and garment industry in Viet Nam

The brief highlights the achievements, opportunities, and challenges of Viet Nam’s textile and garment industry amid increasing international integration and participation in global value chains. It provides key recommendations for developing a sector skills strategy to ensure the industry's continued competitiveness and sustainable growth.

ILO and national partners launch two key reports towards a sector skills strategy for Viet Nam’s textile and garment industry

ILO and national partners launch two key reports towards a sector skills strategy for Viet Nam’s textile and garment industry

The launch of two joint reports by the ILO and the Viet Nam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS) on 28 February 2025 marks a significant milestone to identify priority skills needs, actions, and recommendations in the textile and garment sector in Viet Nam.

ILO's STED methodology fosters dialogue on skills needs in Viet Nam’s garment and textile sector

ILO's STED methodology fosters dialogue on skills needs in Viet Nam’s garment and textile sector

The International Labour Organization's (ILO) Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) programme is proving to be a valuable tool for discussing and anticipating skills needs in Viet Nam's vital garment and textile sector.

Vietnam's Textile Industry: The Need for Up-Skilling and Innovation

Vietnam's Textile Industry: The Need for Up-Skilling and Innovation

6 questions for Mr Truong Van Cam, Vice President and Secretary General of the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association (VITAS), on the topic of Skills Development.

Towards a generation of green and sustainable enterprises - skills matter

Towards a generation of green and sustainable enterprises - skills matter

An op-ed by Ingrid Christensen, director of the Vietnam office for the International Labour Organization (ILO), on how man-made climate change is real and is posing a threat to the planet and its inhabitants, and how it affects scenarios for sustainable occupations.

Explainer: What you should know about the  ILO project "Future of Work in Textile and Clothing"

Explainer: What you should know about the ILO project "Future of Work in Textile and Clothing"

Find out why Viet Nam, as a leading garment exporter, is pivotal in driving Skills Development in the garment & textiles sector. 

News on Skills Development

Ensuring fair wages while keeping Bangladesh’s RMG sector competitive

Ensuring fair wages in Bangladesh’s RMG sector while staying competitive is a major challenge. A sudden wage increase could harm the industry due to rising costs and global competition. Instead, investments in subsidized healthcare, housing, and education could improve workers' well-being without jeopardizing the sector’s stability.

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Bangladesh’s path to sustainable competitiveness strategy for sustainable global leadership

Bangladesh is implementing sustainable strategies to strengthen its competitiveness in the global textile industry. The focus is on eco-friendly production, improved working conditions, and technological innovation. Through these measures, the country aims to solidify its position as a leading exporter and take on a pioneering role in sustainable textile production.

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Cambodia Advances Sexual and Reproductive Health for Garment Workers

On November 21, 2024, Dr. Huy Hansong, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, closed the Partnership Project to Promote Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for garment workers at a ceremony in Phnom Penh.

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Resources on Skills Development

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Research Brief: Addressing Upskilling and Reskilling Challenges in Viet Nam's Key Industries

ILO/GIZ rapid assessment of upskilling and reskilling needs in Viet Nam’s textiles and garments and automotive sectors.

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Asia Garment Hub  | May 23, 2024

ILO Fact Sheet: Future of Work in Textiles and Clothing

Viet Nam is one of the biggest exporters of garment goods in the world. The textiles and garment sector which has become one of the largest manufacturing sectors and plays an important role in driving socio-economic development and job creation, fostering labour mobility, and...

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Arron Goldman  | April 11, 2024

ILO Guide: Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification - A Practical Guide

The ILO has designed technical assistance tool to help policy-makers work with the private sector and employers' and workers' organizations in thinking strategically about the skills demands of tomorrow and about the supply responses required today.

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Arron Goldman  | April 10, 2024

ILO Guide: Rapid STED - A Practical Guide

This guide provides advice on implementing an updated approach to STED that has been piloted in a number of countries over the last two years in collaboration with national partners.

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Arron Goldman  | April 10, 2024

Find out Who's Who in the industry

This visual map shows who’s doing what and where in the industry in Asia. Search for partners and connect with organizations and initiatives working on Decent Work and Sustainability. Register a profile on the Asia Garment Hub to gain full access to the map and its features.
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