UNDP Business and Human Rights in Asia

3rd UN South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights
Register now for the 3rd UN South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights on 28-30 March 2022.

UNDP India Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop
The Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop conducted by the UNDP India in partnership with amfori and the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce is designed for companies in all sectors looking to build their human rights due diligence capacity and align it to internationally recognised standards.

UNDP India Human Rights Due Diligence Training for the Textile Industry
The Human Rights Due Diligence Training conducted by the UNDP India in partnership with amfori and the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce is designed for companies in the textile sector looking to build their human rights due diligence capacity and align it to internationally recognised standards.

Focusing on business and human rights, the report delves into entitlements, facilities, practices and workplace rights in the garment industry.

Bangladesh’s RMG sector stands at a critical juncture where there is the opportunity to reshape the global supply chain by adopting responsible business practices. This report, prepared by the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) and the Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies at the University of California Berkeley, with the support of UNDP and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), sends out clear recommendations to every stakeholder in the global supply chain: from brands to labourers, as well as to governments, manufacturing associations, international organisations, civil society, and all other actors in Bangladesh and throughout the world that there are actions we can take to ensure accountability and dignity of those least protected and most marginalized.