How a digital exhibition draws attention to projects supporting the Asian textile industry during COVID-19

by GIZ FABRIC created 2022-12-19T21:39:38+07:00
"Hanging by a thread - the textile industry in Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic" is a digital exhibition designed to summarise results and showcase activities from different projects of the German Development Cooperation that were implemented in the textile industry in Asia during the pandemic.

COVID-19 has sent shockwaves through the global garment and textiles industry. What started with localized restrictions and supply chain bottlenecks in Asia quickly became the biggest crisis the industry has faced in decades –with far reaching consequences across the supply chain.

Garment and textile manufacturers and workers in Asia have been particularly hard hit by the pandemic. Information on occupational health and safety, especially infection risks and prevention, hygiene and protective equipment, as well as the involvement of relevant stakeholders have been of great importance during the COVID -19 pandemic.

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) developed a multimedia exhibition covering projects focusing on support during COVID-19 via apps, trainings, posters, campaigns and showcasing outlooks by experts from the textile sector.

At visitors can easily navigate through eight digital exhibition rooms and find information and impressions on different walls. The multi-media exhibition communicates outcomes effectively and shares knowledge from different projects using a variety of gamification tools like quizzes and videos. Take a look at the exhibition!