Global Deal Masterclass Series on Sound Industrial Relations
What is the Global Deal Masterclass all about?
The multi-stakeholder partnership Global Deal for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth organized a Masterclass Series on Sound Industrial Relations aimed at strengthening the capacity of individuals and organizations involved in grievance handling, workplace cooperation, collective bargaining, industrial relations during a crisis, as well as in shaping policies to promote gender equality and non-discrimination in the workplace. Experts and representatives from the garments and textile sector took part in the sessions and provided useful insights and good practices on how to improve working conditions and productivity in the industry through Social Dialogue. View the video recordings of each session (1-5) below.
The sessions are based on the new Industrial Relations Global e-Toolkit, which is a capacity-building resource package developed by the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO). The e-Toolkit includes a full spectrum of training activities, diagnostic tools, methodologies and other resources that can be adapted and tailored to the needs of garment stakeholders who seek to strengthen their knowledge of industrial relations policies and practices. Additionally, the training sessions support garment stakeholders in identifying effective solutions to labour relations challenges within their workplaces and countries.

Learn more about ILO's Industrial Relations Global e-Toolkit
The Toolkit has been designed as a holistic package to support ILO efforts in the promotion of sound labour relations. It contains a set of training materials designed to build and strengthen capacity on key labor relations issues. The scope of the toolkit has been expanded to cover new topics and provide training activities in different languages.
Discover the Global Deal Masterclass sessions

Session 1: The Role of Grievance Handling
The first session covers the topic of Grievance Handling. Experts from the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITCILO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) outline the key principles, rights and obligations in terms of grievance handling for workers and employers.

Session 2: The Role of Workplace Cooperation
The second session of the Global Deal Masterclass Series provides participants with practical examples of workplace cooperation with the objective to highlight how this form of interaction can help to ensure enterprise sustainability and increased participation of workers in the workplace.

Session 3: The Role of Collective Bargaining
In this session, social dialogue experts introduce the topic, highlight relevant policies and practices related to promotion of collective bargaining, and outline the benefits that may arise from the effective recognition of this fundamental and enabling right.

Session 4: Industrial Relations in Times of Crisis
In this session, a number of experts introduce the new ILO training modules on Industrial Relations and Crisis and discuss the positive role that employers’ and workers’ representatives have played and can play in the mitigation of the impact of the crisis and in building more resilient workplaces.

Session 5: Industrial Relations for Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination in the Workplace
In this session, experts and practitioners share good practices and experiences related to how social dialogue and sound industrial relations can deliver gender-equal outcomes, including during the pandemic.