Explainer: What you should know about the GOTS Due Diligence Handbook

By Juliette Tafreschi, February 14, 2024

The Global Organic Textile Standard published the GOTS Due Diligence handbook for certified entities. Get a brief overview of what the handbook is all about and how it can help certified companies in creating and improving their management systems.

Who is behind the development of the GOTS handbook?
The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), in cooperation with the Hague-based UpRights Foundation.

Who is the target audience?
The GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities is primarily aimed at organizations within the textile sector that have received certification from the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS). These entities include companies involved in the production, processing, manufacturing, and trading of textiles.

What guiding principles does the GOTS Handbook refer to?
The GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities is based on the recognized international frameworks, including the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector (2018) and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The Handbook offers GOTS Certified Entities clear guidance on integrating due diligence processes into their operations, thereby helping them to comply with domestic due diligence laws such as the German Supply Chain Law, French Vigilance Law, and upcoming EU legislation.

What specific measures does the handbook offer companies?
The Handbook was developed as a structured roadmap, leading Certified Entities through the process of establishing and refining their management systems. The emphasis of the Handbook is on a holistic due diligence approach, ensuring that companies not only identify but also proactively prevent and effectively mitigate potential adverse impacts on human rights and the environment. The Handbook ensures  that companies are equipped with the knowledge and tools to respond to potential challenges, transforming them into leaders in responsible business conduct within the textile sector. The GOTS 7.0 criteria, bolstered by this Handbook, paves the way for a more sustainable and socially conscious business approach in the textile sector.

Take a look at the GOTS Due Diligence Handbook for Certified Entities


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