"Our goal is to transform business practices and create a more inclusive and equitable industry for all workers"

By Juliette Tafreschi, November 15, 2023

How RISE wants to transform the textile industry. An interview with Sethypong Sok, Country Representative of RISE Cambodia about empowering workers and the importance of elevating women in the industry.

As the Country Representative of RISE in Cambodia, could you give us an overview of your role and responsibilities?
My role is to oversee all program implementation, donor compliance, and stakeholder relationships in the country. I provide leadership and mentorship to the country team including local partners, manage budgets and finances, and lead fundraising efforts. Additionally, I represent RISE in meetings with partners, government officials, and other stakeholders to advocate for the organization's  mission and objectives.

What excites you most about your work at RISE?
Being a Country Representative provides me with an exciting opportunity to create meaningful change on a large scale. By working collaboratively with industries, I can make a significant impact on the lives of workers in the garment industry, especially women workers. The chance to foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including brands, suppliers, local organizations, government and unions, is another exciting aspect of my role. Additionally, RISE's focus on empowering workers, particularly women, through our worker well-being programs and support for their advancement within the industry, offers a fulfilling experience on various topics. Seeing the positive impact on individuals and their communities as they gain more agency and opportunities is enormously rewarding.

RISE focuses on three core strategies to promote gender equality in the garment industry. How do you implement these strategies in Cambodia?
We partner with local organizations, trainers, and industry experts to develop tailored training programs to strengthen knowledge and skills for factory workers and managers on topics including digital wages and financial health, health and safety, communication skills, and leadership development. We also utilize e-learning platforms to ensure accessible training opportunities.

RISE engages in policy advocacy to promote gender-responsive approaches in the garment industry. By working closely with brands, suppliers, and other stakeholders, our goal is to transform business practices and create a more inclusive and equitable industry for all workers. Through these collaborative efforts such as working with Better Factories Cambodia, we strive to drive positive change and make significant progress towards achieving gender equality in the Cambodian garment industry. To give an example on the digital wage and financial health program, we encourage brands and suppliers to adopt the digital wage payment systems that provide equal access for women workers, and deliver financial literacy programs specifically designed for women workers, aiming to enhance their financial independence and decision-making capabilities.

At RISE it is essential for us to engage with government officials, industry associations, unions, and local organizations to influence policies and promote worker well-being. We conduct research, provide evidence-based recommendations, and share our best practices through conferences and reports to drive sustainable change in the Cambodian garment industry.

RISE's capacity building programs aim to empower women workers and promote equality in the workplace. Can you share some success stories or impactful outcomes from these programs in Cambodia?
In collaboration with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth (the RISE anchor partner for Financial Health), GIZ and Better Factories Cambodia, we are currently focused on promoting digital wages and financial health in Cambodia. We have two main areas of focus: transitioning from cash-based payments to digital payments, and enhancing financial capability through partnerships with local organizations. To achieve these goals, we provide training, workshops, awareness campaigns, and resources that empower women with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed financial decisions. Through the implementation of digital wage programs, we have observed increased transparency and efficiency in payment processes, reducing the risk of wage theft or delays. This has contributed to greater financial stability for women workers, enabling them to plan their expenses better, save money, and invest in their future. Furthermore, it has also opened up opportunities for them to engage with formal financial institutions and access a wider range of financial services. Notably, there has been a remarkable 56 percent increase in the number of women in Cambodia using mobile money transactions

RISE Transform Financial Health programs have had a positive impact on empowering women financially. By equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge, women have become more confident in managing their finances, making informed decisions, and setting financial goals for themselves and their families. As a result, there has been a 24 percent increase in women in Cambodia actively participating in decision-making regarding family spending. This empowerment extends beyond the individual level, as financially literate women often share their knowledge and influence their communities, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

What are the biggest challenges garment workers are facing in Cambodia?
Due to gender inequality, women workers in global garment supply chains face many challenges. Women have limited opportunities for job advancement and are under-represented in leadership positions. Women may not have decision-making powers about how to spend their money and have lack of access and knowledge of how to use financial products and services. Tailored training is needed to support women workers in addressing specific gender inequalities.

How does RISE ensure the inclusion of workers' voices and representation in project implementation and governance in Cambodia?
Firstly, we actively engage with workers throughout the entire project lifecycle. This involves conducting focus group discussions and surveys to gather their perspectives, feedback, and suggestions. By understanding the specific needs, challenges, and aspirations of workers, it allows us to shape the design and implementation of programs. RISE promotes and supports the formation and strengthening of worker well-being committees and groups within factories. These committees serve as platforms for collective decision-making, advocacy, and representation. RISE provides capacity building, training, and resources to empower these committees and enhance their effectiveness. We also prioritize providing training and capacity-building opportunities to workers. Through training focused on leadership, communication, and negotiation, workers gain knowledge, skills, and confidence to actively participate in decision-making processes. Empowering workers with these tools enable them to voice their concerns and influence positive change. Additionally, we collaborate with local organizations, NGOs and industry associations to ensure that worker's voices are effectively represented and heard.

What is your recommendation for the sector to scale up RISE’s initiatives?
To scale up RISE’s initiatives, I recommend that the sector actively collaborate with RISE and other organizations working towards promoting gender equality in the garment industry. By prioritizing gender equality within their operations, brands and suppliers can contribute to scaling up RISE's initiatives. Investing in worker training and development is crucial as well. This includes providing access to skills development programs, leadership training, and financial literacy education. 

Looking to the future, what are your aspirations and goals for RISE in Cambodia?
We aim to expand RISE’s reach and impact by providing training programs on various topics to more workers. We also strive to establish sustainable partnerships with brands, suppliers, government agencies, unions, and other stakeholders to promote gender equality. We want to have a significant policy influence through research, evidence-based recommendations, and advocacy efforts. Additionally, we plan to leverage innovation and technology to enhance their initiatives and improve program efficiency. Strengthening worker leadership, encouraging collaborative learning, and sharing knowledge are also priorities for us. Ultimately, RISE aims to create sustainable and long-term impact, transforming the industry to be inclusive, equitable, and respectful of worker's rights and dignity.


Sethypong Sok

Sethypong leads the implementation of RISE in Cambodia. He is responsible for managing the overall implementation of the program, monitoring quality, communicating with brands and factories, and expanding the presence of RISE throughout the country. He is a passionate development practitioner with expertise in program management, social development, gender, financial inclusion, communication campaigns, and digital innovation.  

Prior to working at RISE, he led program development and strategy and provided technical assistance to the government, UN agencies, associations, and other international organizations in Cambodia and in the region. 

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