STAR Network

Who we are

Welcome to the Platform on Sustainable Textiles of the Asian Region: the STAR Network. Established by producer associations of the textile and garment industries of several Asian countries, the platform provides an opportunity to share information in the field of sustainability standards, to increase transparency within the industry and to learn from innovative initiatives tackling sustainability issues.

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The STAR Network is the first inter-Asian network of producer associations. It was initiated by GIZs FABRIC project, which is promoting sustainability in the textile and garment industry in Asia. The network brings together representatives of the producing associations from Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Myanmar, Pakistan and Vietnam. The network’s members all meet regularly and have undertaken work together in order to promote sustainable production.

The globally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are setting the framework for producers and workers, for buyers and consumers and for political players alike: Ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns (Goal 12). In this regard, the platform is a response to the ongoing globalization and complexity of textile and garment supply chains. It supports a better understanding of the mechanisms within the industry with the aim of jointly shaping its future towards sustainability and long term growth.

The network brings together representatives of the producing associations from Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Myanmar, Pakistan and Vietnam. 


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STAR-AFTEX Conference

STAR-AFTEX Conference

The Sustainable Textiles of the Asian Region (STAR) Network and the ASEAN Federation of Textile Industries (AFTEX) convened in Bangkok for the inaugural AFTEX-STAR Joint Trade & Sustainability Summit on Thursday, June 6th, 2024.

Addressing Audit Fatigue:

Addressing Audit Fatigue:

Facts, Challenges, and a Call for Action

In this paper, STAR network explains Audit and Standard Fatigue, their impact on the industry, the arguments for reducing them and a call for action to stakeholders across the value chain.

STAR Country Introduction Guides

STAR Country Introduction Guides

We are very pleased to present the latest STAR Network publications: Introduction Guides to Cambodia, Pakistan and Vietnam; Focusing on the Garment Sectors of each of these countries.

Member Associations




Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association 



Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association



China National Textile And Apparel Council 



Myanmar Garment Manufacturers Association



Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers and Exporters Association



Pakistan Textile Exporters Association 



Textile, Apparel, Footwear & Travel Goods Association in Cambodia



Towel Manufacturers Association of Pakistan 



Vietnam Textile and Garment Association



Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative

Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative

The Sustainable Terms of Trade initiative, led by the STAR Network, the International Apparel Federation (IAF) and the Better Buying Institute and supported by GIZ FABRIC consists of 13 industry associations from 9 countries facing similar challenges regarding purchasing practices in the textile and garment industry. 

Asian Dialogue Series

Asian Dialogue Series

The STAR Network is co-organizer of the Asian Dialogues conference series. The Asian Dialogues are a platform where representatives of the Asian textile industry, government bodies, buyers and employees discuss challenges and opportunities on the way towards sustainability and develop a more cooperative relationship.

Country Profiles

Country Profiles

Would you like to know more about the textile and clothing industry in Asia? Here you will find the latest national statistics from leading authoritative sources, together with an overview of the key industry players in each country.


Contact Us

Contact Us

Reach out to STAR for the following:

  • General Enquiries
  • Invitation to Events
  • Invitation to STAR to be a Speaker
  • Highlighting a Sustainability Initiative
  • Be Connected to STAR Members 
  • Take Part in Asian Dialogue Events


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Digital Solutions and Challenges in the Textile and Garment Sector

Global supply chains are long, complex, fragmented, continuously evolving and notoriously opaque. The fragmented and opaque information can create the breeding ground of exploitative and unsafe working conditions while obscuring who has the responsibility and power to redress...

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GIZ FABRIC Asia  | February 15, 2023

OECD Forum Side Session 2023: The role of Responsible Business Hubs to promote Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) in the textile and garment supply chain in Asia

GIZ in cooperation with its partners BGMEA (The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association), BKMEA (Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association), EuroCham Cambodia and VCCI (Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry) establish support structures for...


GIZ FABRIC  | April 04, 2023

Cambodia Garment, Footwear and Travel Goods Sector Brief in English

In the last two years, data related to the Garment, Footwear and Travel Goods (GFT) sector in Cambodia has often been presented in a scattered form or gathered from multiple sources. This Sector Brief aims to concisely fill that data gap with official statistics for Cambodia’s...

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GIZ FABRIC Asia  | December 07, 2022

Find out Who's Who in the industry

This visual map shows who’s doing what and where in the industry in Asia. Search for partners and connect with organizations and initiatives working on Decent Work and Sustainability. Register a profile on the Asia Garment Hub to gain full access to the map and its features.
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