Better Buying Institute

Better Buying Institute

Better Buying is a unique system for, and created in collaboration with, suppliers to communicate anonymously with their buyers about purchasing practices that are working well and those that need improvement, without risking their business relationship.

Has the concept of “leverage” had its day? Dr. Marsha Dickson

Has the concept of “leverage” had its day? Dr. Marsha Dickson

Better Buying’s President and Co-Founder, Dr. Marsha Dickson, argues for a new language, and a new concept, to secure human rights for workers

Better Buying 2024 ratings cycle is open for ratings until May 31st

Better Buying 2024 ratings cycle is open for ratings until May 31st

Suppliers are invited to rate their brand and retailer customers' purchasing practices on the Better BuyingTM platform by May 31st. It's 100% anonymous and your data and insights will help drive the race to the top on purchasing practices.

BBPI 2024 – Overall partnership score for Softgoods up 8 Points

BBPI 2024 – Overall partnership score for Softgoods up 8 Points

Buyer-supplier partnerships in the garment and footwear sector have improved significantly since last year, according to research published today by Better Buying Institute.

BBPI 2024 Executive Summary

BBPI 2024 Executive Summary

Summary report of Better Buying Partnership Index 2024 Report

Better Buying Partnership Index Report 2024

Better Buying Partnership Index Report 2024

Better Buying Partnership Index ReportTM 2024