STAR Country Introduction Guides

We are very pleased to present the latest STAR Network publications: Introduction Guides to Cambodia, Pakistan and Vietnam; Focusing on the Garment Sectors of each of these countries.

The guides puts the data you struggle to find into one place.

๐Ÿ“ˆ GDP, FDI, World Bank Doing Business Scores, Inflation, Energy Mix, Infrastructure Plans, FTAs, Imports & Exports, Export Destinations, Sustainability Case Studies, and even some useful local phrases.

๐Ÿ‘‰ They are general guides but they highlight key garment-sector statistics. If you have a business connection visiting your country for the first time, or a buyer looking to source from any of these countries, they may be useful!

๐Ÿ™ Thanks to the organisations, ministries and companies that made their data public, and to the STAR Members for collaborating to make these publications happen.

The first, 2023-24 editions will be updated regularly. We will soon be publishing guides for Bangladesh, Myanmar and China.ย ย 

An Introduction to Cambodia


An Introduction to Pakistan


An Introduction to Vietnam


E-mail us directly for feedback - these are the first guides, and we want to improve them!