For Development Organizations

by Holden Hao created 2021-05-17T20:46:52+07:00
The STTI Survey of Commercial Compliance is Open for Ratings The STTI Survey of Commercial Compliance is Open for Ratings
by Better Buying Institute — last modified Jan 15, 2024 01:20 PM

Suppliers are invited to participate in the Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI) survey of commercial compliance. Driven by 15 apparel manufacturing associations from 11 countries, STTIs' objective is to deliver a major contribution towards purchasing practices that allow textile and garment manufacturers to run a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable operation.

Workers Benefit: When Brands and Retailers Accept Standardized Audits from Suppliers Workers Benefit: When Brands and Retailers Accept Standardized Audits from Suppliers
by Better Buying Institute — last modified Jan 15, 2024 01:17 PM

When brands and retailers accept the SLCP Converged Assessment Framework instead of insisting on buyer-specific audits, the potential for worker benefits are significant. But audit harmonization is only part of the picture. Buyers’ purchasing practices need to be strong across all seven Better BuyingTM categories to support ongoing supplier sustainability, and deliver consistent benefits to workers

Event Roundup: amfori-ILO RSCA Webinar on Gender Equality in Business and Supply Chains in Asia
by amfori — last modified May 11, 2022 11:30 AM

On 8 April 2022, amfori, in collaboration with the International Labor Organization Responsible Supply Chains in Asia Programme (ILO RSCA), organised a webinar on the theme Gender Equality in Business and Supply Chains: Empowering Women during Post-Pandemic Recovery in Asia, which was attended by more than 110 brands, producers and experts in the field.

amfori Pledges with the UN on Traceability and Transparency of Supply Chains
by amfori — last modified Jul 26, 2022 11:21 AM

amfori has made a Pledge to 'increase the visibility and transparancy of social and environmental conditions in supply chains'. This is a week where global actors are focusing on environment-related issues, with the 50th edition of World Environment Day and the UN preparatory meeting for the next global summit on climate action, COP 27.

Discussions on Forced Labour Pick Up Steam as EU Steps Up Dialogue
by amfori — last modified Jul 26, 2022 11:21 AM

Over the last couple of years governmental legislative actions addressing forced labour have seen a marked rise. Amongst the key actions has been the European Commission’s announcement by President von der Leyen in her State of the Union address of September 2021: it intends to keep the EU market free from products made, extracted or harvested with forced labour, whether they are made in the EU or elsewhere in the world.

The 26th Sino-European CSR Roundtable Forum The 26th Sino-European CSR Roundtable Forum
Jul 21, 2022 from 02:45 PM to 04:45 PM Online (NetEase),by amfori

On 21 July 2022, the 26th Sino-European CSR Round table forum will be held online. As a professional and practical communication platform and channel for corporate social responsibility, the theme of this forum will be “Empower Low-Carbon Supply Chains: Transformation Opportunities Brought by Best Practices."

amfori Annual Event / Responsible Trade, Sustainable Supply Chains amfori Annual Event / Responsible Trade, Sustainable Supply Chains
Oct 19, 2022 06:00 PM to Oct 20, 2022 07:00 PM Brussels,by amfori

Save The Date: amfori Annual Event 19-20 October 2022 The amfori annual event brings together international businesses, stakeholders, policy-makers and sustainability practitioners to collaborate and exchange views on responsible trade and sustainable supply chains.

amfori enters into a new Partnership with UNIDO amfori enters into a new Partnership with UNIDO
by amfori — last modified Jan 15, 2024 01:16 PM

amfori’s president Linda Kromjong signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) together with Gerd Mueller, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation on shared interest areas for driving the #ESG.

Making TVET in Bangladesh future-proof Making TVET in Bangladesh future-proof
by Victoria Hohenhausen — last modified Sep 07, 2022 12:57 PM

Textile diploma curriculum and industry needs assessment for green transformation. Published by the project Higher Education and Leadership Development for Sustainable Textiles in Bangladesh (HELD) which is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the Secondary and Higher Education Division (SHED) of the Ministry of Education (MoE) as the line ministry and the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh as the executing agency.

Existing complaints structures for workers in the export-oriented textile and garment sector in Bangladesh Existing complaints structures for workers in the export-oriented textile and garment sector in Bangladesh
by Victoria Hohenhausen — last modified Jan 15, 2024 01:19 PM

The German Government is committed to human rights and environmental due diligence and passed an act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains in 2021. The project Initiative for Global Solidarity (IGS) has 4 areas of action for the project, where action field (4) is about establishing and further developing effective internal and external complaints mechanisms. The report is meant to review the existing complaints structures for workers in Bangladesh's export-oriented textile and garment sector. This includes an analysis of (legal) national requirements, stakeholder mapping, and detailed analysis of internal and external complaint mechanisms.

Disability inclusion: Companies should recognise that diversity is a strength and a reputation enhancer Disability inclusion: Companies should recognise that diversity is a strength and a reputation enhancer
by Juliette Tafreschi — last modified Aug 03, 2022 11:51 AM

People with disabilities face multiple barriers to participating equally in the labour market -and companies too face challenges in breaking down these barriers and designing inclusive workplaces. A new set of guidelines for the garment and textiles sector aims to change that. We talk to two of the architects of the guidelines, Luisa Hans IVN (International Association of the Natural Textile Industry) and Judith Kunert PST (Partnership for Sustainable Textiles) about what measures can be taken to advance inclusion in the sector.

Global Findex 2021: How digital wages empower Bangladeshi women Global Findex 2021: How digital wages empower Bangladeshi women
by Snigdha Ali — last modified Sep 07, 2022 12:58 PM

The Global Findex 2021 report shows, surprisingly, that financial inclusion increased all over the world last year despite COVID-19. Bangladesh’s work to increase the use of digital wages during the pandemic illustrates how some policy responses enhanced this inclusion and led to enormous dividends for women.

"I think everyone wants to do a good job on sustainability, but it involves cost, investment, and most importantly, collaboration" "I think everyone wants to do a good job on sustainability, but it involves cost, investment, and most importantly, collaboration"
by Juliette Tafreschi — last modified Sep 28, 2023 10:45 AM

Denim manufactuerer Saitex became the first certified B-Corp factory in Asia and the only large-scale denim manufacturer to adopt the environmental and social standards set forth by B Lab. We speak to Oanh Nguyen, HSE & Sustainability Manager at Saitex about the challenges to implement lasting sustainability, responsible business, and the importance to include workers with different abilities.