
by Holden Hao created 2021-02-26T15:29:49+07:00

Better Buying Institute launches “Best in Class” Purchasing Practices E-Learning Course for Brands and Retailers

The Better Buying Institute launches its E-Learning course to help personnel in multiple roles and departments within brands and retailers to understand and embed responsible purchasing practices in their day-to-day work.

Brands and Retailers Must Partner with Suppliers on Innovation to Drive Business Efficiency

Brands and Retailers Must Partner with Suppliers on Innovation to Drive Business Efficiency

The Better BuyingTM Partnership Index enables suppliers to rate their buyers according to 12 subjective measures, with buyers categorized as either True Partners, Collaborators, or Detractors. The label of True Partner is only granted when a buyer has satisfied a particular...

BBPPI 2022 Ratings Cycle Open for Ratings April 1st-May 31st

BBPPI 2022 Ratings Cycle Open for Ratings April 1st-May 31st

We are pleased to announce that April 1st marks the start of this year’s Better Buying Purchasing Practices IndexTM (BBPPI) 2022 annual ratings cycle. The cycle will be open for supplier ratings until May 31st.

Living Wages: Time for an Annual Health Check?

Living Wages: Time for an Annual Health Check?

We've been talking about living wages for workers in the apparel industry for many years- what needs to be done to make progress on paying them?

"Improving purchasing practices isn’t greenwashing. It makes sound business sense. And the risks of not doing it are existential"

"Improving purchasing practices isn’t greenwashing. It makes sound business sense. And the risks of not doing it are existential"

Post-Covid survival and climate change for the global fashion industry hang on its willingness to abandon the colonial mindset and welcome suppliers to the decision table as equals - A blog post by Dr. Marsha Dickson, President and Co-Founder of Better Buying Institute.

The BBPPI 2022 Garment Scorecard is Out!

The BBPPI 2022 Garment Scorecard is Out!

The 2022 Better Buying Purchasing Practices IndexTM Garment Scorecard is published, ahead of the full findings and scores from the Better Buying Purchasing Practices IndexTM.

The STTI Survey of Commercial Compliance is Open for Ratings

The STTI Survey of Commercial Compliance is Open for Ratings

Suppliers are invited to participate in the Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI) survey of commercial compliance. Driven by 15 apparel manufacturing associations from 11 countries, STTIs' objective is to deliver a major contribution towards purchasing practices that allow...

Workers Benefit: When Brands and Retailers Accept Standardized Audits from Suppliers

Workers Benefit: When Brands and Retailers Accept Standardized Audits from Suppliers

When brands and retailers accept the SLCP Converged Assessment Framework instead of insisting on buyer-specific audits, the potential for worker benefits are significant. But audit harmonization is only part of the picture. Buyers’ purchasing practices need to be strong across...

Are you ready to comply with Germany's new act on supply chain due diligence?

Are you ready to comply with Germany's new act on supply chain due diligence?

An article by Dr. Marsha Dickson, President and Co-Founder of Better Buying Institute, on the connection between purchasing practices and factory-level noncompliance, and how brands and retailers can comply with Germany's new Supply Chain Due Diligence law.

Better Buying Partnership IndexTM 2023: Buyer-supplier partnership quality up by just one point on last yea

Better Buying Partnership IndexTM 2023: Buyer-supplier partnership quality up by just one point on last yea

The Better Buying Partnership IndexTM report 2023 finds that the quality of buyer-supplier partnerships in global supply chains has only slightly improved since last year, indicating that suppliers are still feeling the impact of disruption more than two years on from the onset...

Article: Action speaks louder than words on purchasing practices

Article: Action speaks louder than words on purchasing practices

"If we really are serious about driving change in purchasing practices, then stakeholders should be demanding action and evidence, not just talking about it." Dr. Marsha Dickson, President and Co-Founder of Better Buying Institute, reflects on this year's OECD Forum on Due...

Non-apparel companies urged to “take the lead” on human rights due diligence by subscribing to the Better Buying Partnership IndexTM

Non-apparel companies urged to “take the lead” on human rights due diligence by subscribing to the Better Buying Partnership IndexTM

The Better Buying Institute (BBI) is inviting non-apparel companies to subscribe to its Better Buying Partnership IndexTM (BBPI) to take the lead in relation to mandatory human rights due diligence reporting requirements.

Putting the Brakes on Purchasing Practices Survey Fatigue

Putting the Brakes on Purchasing Practices Survey Fatigue

Buyer surveys on purchasing practices do not produce credible data, and waste money and resources that brands and retailers could be spending elsewhere in the business. So let’s put the brakes on, before this train gets out of control. Read the latest article from our President...

Better Buying Institute Publishes First Industry Score for Commercial Compliance

Better Buying Institute Publishes First Industry Score for Commercial Compliance

The first annual Better Buying Commercial Compliance TrackerTM has been developed as part of Better Buying’s participation in The Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative, and measures adherence to minimum levels of performance outlined in key recommendations set forth by...

Human Rights Due Diligence South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights

amfori hosted a session on Human Rights Due Diligence within the 2022 UN South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights

amfori President Speaks about Collective Action at the IOE Side Session of the 3rd UNDP South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights

On 25 March, amfori President Linda Kromjong delivered a presentation at a side session organized by the International Organisation of Employers of the UN 3rd South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights.

Event Roundup: amfori-ILO RSCA Webinar on Gender Equality in Business and Supply Chains in Asia

On 8 April 2022, amfori, in collaboration with the International Labor Organization Responsible Supply Chains in Asia Programme (ILO RSCA), organised a webinar on the theme Gender Equality in Business and Supply Chains: Empowering Women during Post-Pandemic Recovery in Asia,...

amfori Pledges with the UN on Traceability and Transparency of Supply Chains

amfori has made a Pledge to 'increase the visibility and transparancy of social and environmental conditions in supply chains'. This is a week where global actors are focusing on environment-related issues, with the 50th edition of World Environment Day and the UN preparatory...

Discussions on Forced Labour Pick Up Steam as EU Steps Up Dialogue

Over the last couple of years governmental legislative actions addressing forced labour have seen a marked rise. Amongst the key actions has been the European Commission’s announcement by President von der Leyen in her State of the Union address of September 2021: it intends to...