Contributions Overview

Has the concept of “leverage” had its day? Dr. Marsha Dickson

Has the concept of “leverage” had its day? Dr. Marsha Dickson

Better Buying’s President and Co-Founder, Dr. Marsha Dickson, argues for a new language, and a new concept, to secure human rights for workers

Better Buying 2024 ratings cycle is open for ratings until May 31st

Better Buying 2024 ratings cycle is open for ratings until May 31st

Suppliers are invited to rate their brand and retailer customers' purchasing practices on the Better BuyingTM platform by May 31st. It's 100% anonymous and your data and insights will help drive the race to the top on purchasing practices.

BBPI 2024 – Overall partnership score for Softgoods up 8 Points

BBPI 2024 – Overall partnership score for Softgoods up 8 Points

Buyer-supplier partnerships in the garment and footwear sector have improved significantly since last year, according to research published today by Better Buying Institute.

BBPI 2024 Executive Summary

BBPI 2024 Executive Summary

Summary report of Better Buying Partnership Index 2024 Report

Better Buying Partnership Index Report 2024

Better Buying Partnership Index Report 2024

Better Buying Partnership Index ReportTM 2024

BBPPI Report 2023 – BBI repeat subscribers continue to improve, but progress remains slow and uneven

BBPPI Report 2023 – BBI repeat subscribers continue to improve, but progress remains slow and uneven

Suppliers in global supply chains are reporting improvements in the percent of orders priced to cover everything the buyer is asking for, coupled with better on time payment records, but uneven progress by brands and retailers means many suppliers still struggle, according to the Better Buying Institute, which today publishes its Better Buying Purchasing Practices IndexTM

The Apparel Industry is a Real Mess, writes Dr. Marsha Dickson

The Apparel Industry is a Real Mess, writes Dr. Marsha Dickson

At least some suppliers have given up on the big legacy brands that they used to all think they wanted to work with, and many predict that these brands are destined to fail because of their inefficient, complicated, and costly operations. One observed that SME brands are his company’s preferred customers because they work more collaboratively and as true partners. When will this craziness stop?

The Better Buying Commercial Compliance Tracker

The Better Buying Commercial Compliance Tracker

Measuring the extent to which buyer purchasing practices adhere to the minimum level of performance set forth by suppliers and do not cause obvious and avoidable harm to suppliers.

Better Buying Institute Publishes First Industry Score for Commercial Compliance

Better Buying Institute Publishes First Industry Score for Commercial Compliance

The first annual Better Buying Commercial Compliance TrackerTM has been developed as part of Better Buying’s participation in The Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative, and measures adherence to minimum levels of performance outlined in key recommendations set forth by manufacturers as central elements to the terms of trade they wish to do business under – purchasing practices that do not cause them ‘obvious and avoidable harm.’

Putting the Brakes on Purchasing Practices Survey Fatigue

Putting the Brakes on Purchasing Practices Survey Fatigue

Buyer surveys on purchasing practices do not produce credible data, and waste money and resources that brands and retailers could be spending elsewhere in the business. So let’s put the brakes on, before this train gets out of control. Read the latest article from our President and Co-Founder, Dr. Marsha Dickson.

Non-apparel companies urged to “take the lead” on human rights due diligence by subscribing to the Better Buying Partnership IndexTM

Non-apparel companies urged to “take the lead” on human rights due diligence by subscribing to the Better Buying Partnership IndexTM

The Better Buying Institute (BBI) is inviting non-apparel companies to subscribe to its Better Buying Partnership IndexTM (BBPI) to take the lead in relation to mandatory human rights due diligence reporting requirements.

What is Better Buying?

What is Better Buying?

Dr. Marsha Dickson, President and Co-Founder, on the important work of Better Buying Institute, which collects anonymous data and insights from suppliers about the purchasing practices of the global brands and retailers who buy their products. Win-Win Sustainable Partnerships between brands and suppliers are a win-win, and support the achievement of shared business, social and environmental goals. Brands and retailers who subscribe to Better BuyingTM continued to improve their purchasing practices even during the Covid-19 pandemic, and are building the resilient supply chains they will need to withstand future shocks and pandemics. Find out how suppliers, and brands, are using Better BuyingTM data to drive improvements, and to demonstrate progress and impact to investors and key stakeholders. Hear about our leading resources and tools, and our future plans for elevating supplier voices and supporting and inspiring companies to improve - via education, training, and innovative approaches.