Gender-Based violence in the Workplace

Why it's important to address Gender-Based Violence in the Workplace

In recent years, Viet Nam government has further acknowledged the needs to take measures in preventing and addressing the sexual harassment in the workplace. This commitment is clearly demonstrated in the revised Labour Code 2019 which came into force in January 2021, along with its accompanying Decree 145 issued in December 2020. These documents provide detailed regulations on sexual harassment in the workplace, making the first time such conduct has been defined in the labour code. Moreover, the Convention No.190 concerning the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work was adopted in 2019 further underscores the importance of implementing these measures on the ground.

"It is important to actively address sexual harassment in the workplace"

"It is important to actively address sexual harassment in the workplace"

Thuy shares her story about the topic of gender-based violence in the workplace and why it is important to create greater awareness to this topic for women garment workers. 

"The training has made me aware of what I can do in the event of sexual harassment in the workplace"

"The training has made me aware of what I can do in the event of sexual harassment in the workplace"

We spoke to Quyen about her experiences with gender-based violence in the workplace, what she learned from the training and how she will apply the knowledge in her day-to-day work.

Mr. Voung, why are gender-based violence trainings so important?

Mr. Voung, why are gender-based violence trainings so important?

An interview with Mr. Voung, factory manager of X in X.

News on Gender-Based Violence in the Workplace


Seminar held on need of required skills to meet challenges of textile industry

BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) hosted a pivotal seminar titled “Need of Required Skills to Meet the Challenges of Textile Industry” on Thursday. The event attracted a diverse audience, including industry leaders, academics, and students.

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How to build better supply chains in four key sourcing countries

Labour leaders in Myanmar, the Philippines, China and Bangladesh share the insights that brands need to bear in mind before barrelling in to change things locally.

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EESC-Cedefop forum on skills: the EU must anticipate trends in order to keep up, and not just adapt to change

More flexible and even tailored pathways to upskilling and lifelong learning can be one way of reaching people with low skills levels, from poorer backgrounds or at risk of social exclusion. Attention still needs to be paid to gender imbalances in labour markets.

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Resources on Gender-based Violence in the Workplace

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OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector, Side Session: Commercial compliance - accelerating change, measuring progress

In this session we are putting the spotlight on the tools that we have at our disposal now and in the future to make commercial compliance measurable at an industry level. This discussion encompasses therefore the definition of commercial compliance and its components as...


GIZ FABRIC Asia  | March 13, 2023

OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector 2023: Contracts and HREDD Legislation

It is widely known that contracts are frequently used tools for carrying out human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD). Frequency of use is not tantamount to effective use, however, and the two should not be confused. The new HREDD laws coming from Europe have raised...


GIZ FABRIC Asia  | March 01, 2023

OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector: Responsible Purchasing Practices - how can companies integrate responsible purchasing practices in their businesses?

Brands are increasingly turning their attention to their purchasing practices, however, progress towards responsible purchasing practices (RPP) across the sector is being slowed due to a number of repeatedly reported barriers. Our panel will focus on how brands can revise their...


GIZ FABRIC  | March 01, 2023

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