Side session to 2024 OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

Organised by : Arisa & IDSN

Side Session Organised by: FOUR PAWS International and OECD Watch

A Hub for Manufacturers Catalyzing Change for a More Sustainable and Equitable Consumer Goods Industry.

Discover the impact of endocrine disruptors on women's hormonal health with Dr. Aviva Romm, a Yale-trained MD and hormonal expert, and Alden Wicker, an award-winning journalist who wrote about the toxic chemicals found on most clothing todays. You'll be able to purchase their books post-panel.

Climate Action Week for Fashion & Apparel

Climate Action Week for Fashion & Apparel

Climate Action Week for Fashion & Apparel

Climate Action Week for Fashion & Apparel

Climate Action Week for Fashion & Apparel

Climate Action Week for Fashion & Apparel

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