What Gets Measured Gets Managed: But Are We Measuring the Right Things And Are We Measuring Them Right?

Climate Action Week for Fashion & Apparel

The current methods for calculating emissions for fashion and apparel companies and assessing impact and progress have their strengths and weaknesses. Are they sufficiently accurate, effective and fair? If not, how can we improve them and what recommendations can we give to standard setting organizations and policy makers?

Some of the key questions we will cover in this session include:

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current ways of measuring the climate impacts of companies and the industry overall?

How do we improve data quality and collection? What do we do about generic databases?

How do we address the challenge of measuring product longevity?

Are absolute reduction targets fair for start-ups, SMEs as well as multi-national companies?

Are companies who want to invest more in climate action at a disadvantage because they do not get credit for emission reductions they create that are beyond their own impacts?

Is the current approach to measurement unfair to partner suppliers in Tiers 1-4 who will be asked to implement reductions in practice, and are based in countries with less overall emissions?

Will the EU PEF accurately measure climate impacts, including the user phase? What should be considered?

Will the EU CSRD and the required disclosures on climate provide credible information for stakeholders and incentivise change?

What additional or alternative ways could be used to better measure and report on GHG emissions and the level of company commitment to climate action




  • When Mar 18, 2024 from 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Where Online
  • Web Visit external website
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