We Have Set Science-Based Targets for GHG Reductions, But How Feasible & Realistic Are Our Climate & Energy Goals?

Climate Action Week for Fashion & Apparel

Ambitious targets are necessary, but if they are not currently feasible in the current countries where the majority of current global production takes place, what does this mean for industry decarbonization? During this session experts and practitioners will summarize the current state of play when it comes to the potential for energy efficiency and renewable energy in countries where a majority of today’s production takes place and discuss the implications of this analysis for accountability and investment.

Some of the key questions we will discuss include:

What is possible when it comes to energy efficiency and renewable energy in the best case and worst cases in different countries and regions?

If feasibility and potential vary, what does this mean for industry action and company level action?

Are supply chain partners unfairly burdened with the task of decarbonization if decarbonization is not even feasible in some countries or regions?

What additional strategies are needed given the realities on the ground and in different markets?




  • When Mar 19, 2024 from 03:30 PM to 05:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Where Online
  • Web Visit external website
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