For Brands

by Holden Hao created 2021-05-17T20:46:52+07:00
Introducing the Asia Garment Hub

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Introducing the Asia Garment Hub

A one-stop shop for industry data, news, resources and tools. The Asia Garment Hub connects people and organizations from across the sector with a single vision –to make it fairer, more sustainable and more competitive.

Recording from the Asia Garment Hub Launch Event

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Recording from the Asia Garment Hub Launch Event

Re-watch the Asia Garment Hub's Launch Event from the 11th August 2021 A distinguished panel of industry speakers joined us for the launch: • Miran Ali, Vice President, Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Associations (BGMEA) and Spokesperson of the STAR Network •...

Executive summary: Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

Executive summary: Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

The report sheds light on the importance of addressing gender equality in the garment sector, while also providing ILO constituents and industry stakeholders with a holistic roadmap for action that places decent work and social justice at the heart of the post-pandemic business...

Thúc đẩy bình đẳng giới và việc làm thỏa đáng trong lĩnh vực may mặc tại Châu Á Báo cáo tóm tắt và các khuyến nghị

Thúc đẩy bình đẳng giới và việc làm thỏa đáng trong lĩnh vực may mặc tại Châu Á Báo cáo tóm tắt và các khuyến nghị

Báo cáo chỉ ra tầm quan trọng của vấn đề bình đẳng giới trong ngành dệt may, đồng thời cung cấp cho các đối tác ba bên của ILO và các bên liên quan lộ trình hành động đặt việc làm thỏa đáng và công bằng xã hội làm tâm điểm của mô hình kinh doanh hậu đại dịch. Báo cáo tập trung...

Memindahkan Jarum: Kesetaraan gender dan pekerjaan yang layak di sektor garmen Asia; Ringkasan eksekutif

Memindahkan Jarum: Kesetaraan gender dan pekerjaan yang layak di sektor garmen Asia; Ringkasan eksekutif

Laporan ini menyoroti pentingnya menangani kesetaraan gender di sektor garmen, sekaligus memberikan peta jalan aksi holistik kepada konstituen ILO dan pemangku kepentingan industri yang menempatkan pekerjaan yang layak dan keadilan sosial di jantung model bisnis pascapandemi....

Executive summary (In Myanmar) - Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

Executive summary (In Myanmar) - Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

The report sheds light on the importance of addressing gender equality in the garment sector, while also providing ILO constituents and industry stakeholders with a holistic roadmap for action that places decent work and social justice at the heart of the post-pandemic business...

Executive summary (In Khmer) - Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

Executive summary (In Khmer) - Moving the Needle: Gender equality and decent work in Asia’s garment sector

The report sheds light on the importance of addressing gender equality in the garment sector, while also providing ILO constituents and industry stakeholders with a holistic roadmap for action that places decent work and social justice at the heart of the post-pandemic business...

Introducing the Climate Action Training

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Introducing the Climate Action Training

We are pleased to share the online CLIMATE ACTION TRAINING FOR THE FASHION INDUSTRY, specifically designed for the diffusion of climate action knowledge for textile, garment and footwear suppliers in Asia. The training is jointly developed by GIZ FABRIC, the UN Fashion Industry...

Made by Women: Garment workers taking action against violence

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Made by Women: Garment workers taking action against violence

The Business of Women at Work

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The Business of Women at Work

In October 2019, CARE and Better Factories Cambodia convened a unique event with the Asia garment industry to discuss sexual harassment in the supply chain. This video shares highlights and outcomes of the event.

Grievance handling - Factsheet no. 5 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

Grievance handling - Factsheet no. 5 - Labour Relations and Collective Bargaining

Workers have rights and entitlements that are established in laws, employment contracts, collective agreements and workplace rules, as well as in custom and practice (the way things are normally done – and have been done for a long time – in a particular workplace, industry or...

Human Rights Due Diligence Training Guide and Tool released

Human Rights Due Diligence Training Guide and Tool released

The Business and Human Rights in Asia (B+HR Asia) project, an EU-UNDP joint action, launched the Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) Training Facilitation Guide and Human Rights Self-Assessment Training Tool to help businesses prevent, mitigate, and account for potential human...

Business, Human Rights and the Environment

Business, Human Rights and the Environment

In April 2020 UNDP B+HR Asia, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and other partners, hosted an online survey to capture perceptions of environmental risks and their relationships to human rights abuses in Asia. Respondents were asked for their views on the most effective means of...

UNDP India Human Rights Due Diligence Training for the Textile Industry

UNDP India Human Rights Due Diligence Training for the Textile Industry

Apr 07, 2022 to Apr 19, 2022  (10:30 AM — 5:00 PM)  UTC+07

The Human Rights Due Diligence Training conducted by the UNDP India in partnership with amfori and the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce is designed for companies in the textile sector looking to build their human rights due diligence capacity and align it to internationally...