Who’s doing what and where in Asia

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The Asia Garment Hub’s membership area shows you who's doing what in the field of sustainability in Asia.

We connect diverse stakeholders and showcase knowledge from across the global supply chain. Our mission: To inform, educate and spur action to address critical challenges and to drive real industry change.

Find out who's active in our member community and network with organizations and individuals committed to a more sustainable garment industry in Asia.

Register a free profile on the Asia Garment Hub to discover new expertise and partnership opportunities. 

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All Members

All Members

Academia, Media and Consultants

Academia, Media and Consultants

Brands & Retailers

Brands & Retailers

Development Partners & International Organizations

Development Partners & International Organizations

Garment & Textile Manufacturers

Garment & Textile Manufacturers

Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives

Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives

Worker Organizations & Civil Society

Worker Organizations & Civil Society



Register on the Hub

Register on the Hub

Action Speaks Louder

Action Speaks Louder

Action Speaks Louder is a global community transforming climate promises into real climate action.

Issara Institute

Issara Institute

Issara Institute is an independent NGO tackling issues of human trafficking and forced labor through worker voice, partnership, and innovation.

Stephen Rafiq

Stephen Rafiq

United Social Welfare Society, a registered charity dedicated to promote hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security. we are a humanitarian Christian organization based in Pakistan



Eve Group established in 1984 is a leading WOVEN garments manufacturer in Bangladesh, having financial office in Singapore. It consists of Eve Dress Shirts Limited, Eve Garments Limited & Eve Embroidery.

wikkie netten

Wikkie Netten is the APAC Marketing Manager for PEFC, a leading global alliance promoting sustainable forest management and transparent and traceable supply chains through certification.

Find out Who's Who in the industry

This visual map shows who’s doing what and where in the industry in Asia. Search for partners and connect with organizations and initiatives working on Decent Work and Sustainability. Register a profile on the Asia Garment Hub to gain full access to the map and its features.
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