by AGHub Admin created 2024-01-10T15:32:22+07:00
ILO Report: Skills for a greener future: A global view ILO Report: Skills for a greener future: A global view
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:49 AM

Climate change and environmental degradation are among the greatest challenges of our times. And yet, for all the profound changes that are occurring in the world of work, and all the intense debates on their implications for workers and companies, the media spotlight continues to focus on the potential effects of automation and artificial intelligence, leaving the effects of climate change and environmental degradation on work largely in the shadows.

ILO Report: The ILO strategy on skills and lifelong learning 2030 ILO Report: The ILO strategy on skills and lifelong learning 2030
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:49 AM

Lifelong learning empowers individuals and societies to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world, equipping them with relevant knowledge, skills, and perspectives necessary for personal and professional growth. It fosters intellectual curiosity, promotes innovation and productivity, and helps individuals remain relevant and engaged in a rapidly evolving global society.

ILO Guide: Rapid STED - A Practical Guide ILO Guide: Rapid STED - A Practical Guide
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:49 AM

This guide provides advice on implementing an updated approach to STED that has been piloted in a number of countries over the last two years in collaboration with national partners.

ILO Fact Sheet: Future of Work in Textiles and Clothing ILO Fact Sheet: Future of Work in Textiles and Clothing
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:49 AM

Viet Nam is one of the biggest exporters of garment goods in the world. The textiles and garment sector which has become one of the largest manufacturing sectors and plays an important role in driving socio-economic development and job creation, fostering labour mobility, and enabling economic restructuring in the country.

How can we green skills for a just transition? How can we green skills for a just transition?
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:46 AM

The International Labour Organization (ILO) led this session of the 'Just Transition and Sustainable Economies Day' of the 4th Capacity-building Hub, exploring why skills development is essential for a just and green transition and what kind of skills we would need for a greener future.

Skills and lifelong learning as fundamental rights for workers Skills and lifelong learning as fundamental rights for workers
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:46 AM

Skills and lifelong learning are fundamental rights for workers. ILO's Regional Specialist in Workers' Education Pong-sul Ahn highlights roles of trade unions in social dialogue in developing national policies and addressing skills and lifelong learning that workers need.

ILO Toolkit on Apprenticeships - Vol. 2 ILO Toolkit on Apprenticeships - Vol. 2
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:46 AM

Apprenticeships have played a central role in lowering youth unemployment, enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises and developing skills that are relevant to a rapidly changing world of work. This video introduces the ILO Toolkit for Quality Apprenticeships, Volume 2: Guide for practitioners. The Toolkit offers comprehensive, practical guidance to developing and implementing apprenticeship programmes.

The ILO Quality Apprenticeships Recommendation and Decent Work in Training The ILO Quality Apprenticeships Recommendation and Decent Work in Training
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:46 AM

The International Labour Organization adopted a new recommendation on quality apprenticeships in June 2023. This instrument is of great significance to young people across the world. The Regulating for Decent Work Conference, held in July 2023, provided an opportunity for researchers and policymakers to come together and reflect on the new standard, on its significance to skills training for young workers and for broader ideas and international labour standards around quality and decent work. This video captures highlights from the event and contributions from international experts on decent work in apprenticeships and training.

Skills Development for Trade, Employability and Inclusive Growth: The STED Approach Skills Development for Trade, Employability and Inclusive Growth: The STED Approach
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:47 AM

STED provides guidance for the integration of skills development in sectoral policies. The programme is designed to support growth and decent employ­ment creation in sectors that have the potential to increase exports and contribute to economic diversification. This video highlights examples of how the approach is being applied in Cambodia, Malawi and Myanmar.

ILC Daily Show 5 - Skills for the future of work ILC Daily Show 5 - Skills for the future of work
by ILO Admin — last modified Jun 20, 2024 09:46 AM

As the world of work changes rapidly, skills training is more critical than ever. Guests talk about the skills needed and how to ensure young people are ready for future jobs. We also look at the changes needed to mitigate climate change.