Manufactured - a podcast about sustainability and the making of fashion
What's the podcast about?
Manufactured is a podcast about sustainability and the making of fashion. The format was created by Jessie Li and Kim van der Weerd.
The Manufactured X FABRIC GIZ podcasts have been developed through a collaboration with GIZ FABRIC. The FABRIC project is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and supports the Asian textile industry in its transformation towards fair production for people and the environment.
The latest episodes, a four-part series on worker wellbeing, were developed in collaboration with the Asia Garment Hub. For more info on the podcast, visit
Check out the latest episode
What do two manufacturers, one brand, and one ex-social compliance auditor think: do social compliance audits make factories better places to work? What’s the intention behind social audits? Are audits about assurance? Or should they be a tool for collaboration and conversation? Or both?