
by AGHub Admin created 2021-07-02T08:19:38+07:00
Did you know...? Did you know...?
by AGHub Admin — last modified Jul 03, 2024 02:13 PM

That the European Union (EU) is pioneering a transformative initiative called the Digital Product Passport (DPP)? This initiative is designed to mandate transparency in product lifecycles, fostering sustainability and circular economy practices by 2026. Our explainer highlights the key facts about the DPP for the textile and garment sector.

What's going on in...? What's going on in...?
by AGHub Admin — last modified Apr 17, 2024 10:57 AM

What are the current challenges in the garment and textiles industry in Bangladesh? How is the sector developing in China? What about labour rights and working conditions in Vietnam? Learn more about the issues shaping the industry in Asia's key sourcing hubs, with insights from leading industry experts in those countries.

Sign Up! Sign Up!
by AGHub Admin — last modified Dec 06, 2023 09:59 AM

The Asia Garment Hub is an interactive Hub that benefits from the exchange and activity of its members. We hope to spur lively exchange and learning on the hub, helping to connect the industry and advance common goals, from overcoming the pandemic to making a just transition to a more sustainable future. Join the Asia Garment Hub today!