Contributions Overview

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series - KP4: Assessing the business case for on-site solar (financial perspective)

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series - KP4: Assessing the business case for on-site solar (financial perspective)

Assessing the business case for on-site solar and determining the criteria for a viable solar project will help you make better investment decisions.

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series - Solar Thermal Energy in Manufacturing

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series - Solar Thermal Energy in Manufacturing

Learn about about the main solar thermal technologies, possible application areas in manufacturing as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series - KP2: How a Solar Photovoltaic System Works

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series - KP2: How a Solar Photovoltaic System Works

In this 101 crash course you will discover the main components of a solar photovoltaic system, common set-ups, optimal conditions for its installation and general misconceptions.

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series - KP1: Introduction to Renewable Energy Sourcing

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series - KP1: Introduction to Renewable Energy Sourcing

Learn about commercial and industrial (C&I) sourcing of Renewable Energy (RE), technical solutions and their availability by country.

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series: Assessing the Suitability for Rooftop Solar Projects

FABRIC Asia Knowledge Product Series: Assessing the Suitability for Rooftop Solar Projects

Assessing the technical feasibility of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems for your business will help you make better investment decisions.

Neonyt: Change the setup

Neonyt: Change the setup

Neonyt is our synonym for the fundamental transformation process of the textile and fashion industry. It stands for our reinterpretation of what has already been and our aim to continuously develop ourselves further: Aesthetics, trends, lifestyle – these innate themes of fashion are merging with sustainability, digitalisation and innovation. We are reacting to the transformation of the industry by offering a place where professionals can meet and engage in valuable dialogue. Neonyt combines business, inspiration, knowledge and community building in a neo-new way.

Voices from the Litigation Frontlines: Social Audit Accountability: Strategies for Reform and Liability

Voices from the Litigation Frontlines: Social Audit Accountability: Strategies for Reform and Liability

Join for a conversation with the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Corporate Accountability Lab, and Transparentem on social auditing reform and liability. For registration please see the link to the external website.

Sustainability Talks Istanbul 2021

Sustainability Talks Istanbul 2021

The objective of our one day event, is to highlight innovation and transparency and amplify sustainable solutions to many of the difficult challenges facing the industry, from the climate emergency to transparency of supply chains, responsible sourcing of raw materials and minimum resource usage in water and energy.

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women workers in the garment sector

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women workers in the garment sector

This online seminar, the final in a 7-part series, will provide participants of the COVID-19 – Women’s Leadership in Social Dialogue for Gender Equality in the Garment Sector program with an opportunity to showcase key learnings and practice leadership skills by presenting in an international context. The webinar will focus on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on women workers in the garment sector. This webinar is hosted by GIZ-FABRIC. This session will be open to interested members of the public and will feature live-interpretation in ភាសាខ្មែរ, Bahasa Indonesia, and tiếng Việt.