The Road to CSRD Compliance

by GIZ FABRIC created 2023-09-01T08:34:02+07:00
Collect, Manage, and Disclose Data Fit for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive [CSRD] will come into effect in less than 6 months for 50,000 European companies, and with nearly half not on track to comply, businesses are scrambling to prepare.

For many a complete overhaul of existing systems and processes to produce consistent, comparable, and quality data will be required to become compliant. This needs to be achieved at speed, or businesses risk public declaration of their infraction and financial penalties.

At Sustainability Reporting Europe 2023, a part of Reuters IMPACT, we will help you understand how to utilise systems and processes to provide consistent, comparable, and reliable data in an automated fashion, explore how sustainability can work closer and more effectively together with finance, risk, communication, and legal teams, and how businesses can meet regulatory requirements while not losing sight of the ‘why’ we report.

Join 300+ sustainability, finance, and policy leaders to build the networks, collaborations, and learnings that will set you on the path to CSRD compliance.


Register here.