The Colonial Climate Crisis: Sustainable Fashion Edition

by AGHub Admin created 2023-03-31T10:38:12+07:00
Join us for a special online lecture with Dominique Drakeford!

Calling our current socio-ecological crisis “global warming” or “climate change” is insufficient. We are experiencing a Colonial Climate Crisis. This term, coined by our colleague Dominique Drakeford, is an avenue to discuss urgent issues within the sustainability movement.

Join us on April 3, 1-2p Pacific Time, for a special online lecture by Dominique to explore the intersections of sustainability, colonization, the climate crisis, and fashion systems. This special introductory lecture is a prerequisite to learning about the root issues of unsustainability and the ecosystem that keeps that engine well-oiled and active.

Language is a foundational pillar in how we design equitable systems, planting the seed that nurtures an intolerance for toxic Western European discourse on sustainability and environmentalism — especially in one of the most complex, impressionable, and profitable industries: FASHION. It’s time to decolonize the sustainability and fashion lexicon from a cultural vantage point.

Please note this lecture will NOT be recorded and distributed after the session.

Dominique Drakeford is a mother, non-traditional educator, writer, independent researcher, and creative storyteller that has been a leader in reimagining sustainability for the past 15+ years | Co-founder Sustainable Brooklyn. Learn more about her here.