The biggest chemicals legislation in years

by AGHub Admin created 2023-03-17T10:05:41+07:00

The proposal from five EU countries to restrict PFAS in the European Union may well be the most important restriction proposal in years. The scope of the proposal is unprecedented — covering more than 10,000 substances — and will have a huge impact on almost all industries. If everything goes as planned, it will be a true game changer.

ChemSec has gone over the massive document of almost 2,000 pages with a fine-tooth comb and would like to share our findings with you.

In the webinar you will learn:
• What this huge proposal actually says
• How different industry sectors will be affected and how they should prepare
• What ChemSec expects of the upcoming legislation process

Dr. Anna Lennquist, Senior Toxicologist at ChemSec
Dr. Jonatan Kleimark, Senior Chemicals and Business Advisor at ChemSec
Sidsel Dyekjær, Chemicals Policy Advisor at ChemSec

  • When Mar 17, 2023 10:00 AM to Mar 28, 2023 08:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Where Online
  • Attendees Dr. Anna Lennquist, Senior Toxicologist at ChemSec Dr. Jonatan Kleimark, Senior Chemicals and Business Advisor at ChemSec Sidsel Dyekjær, Chemicals Policy Advisor at ChemSec
  • Web Visit external website
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