Responsible Purchasing Practices: how can companies integrate responsible purchasing practices in their businesses?

by AGHub Admin created 2023-01-06T17:05:15+07:00
by The MSI Working Group on Responsible Purchasing Practices and Sustainable Terms of Trade Initiative (STTI)

Brands are increasingly turning their attention to their purchasing practices, however, progress towards responsible purchasing practices (RPP) across the sector is being slowed due to a number of repeatedly reported barriers. Our panel will focus on how brands can revise their purchasing practices and the importance of the supplier voice in making these changes. Besides that, our expert speaker will present the necessary steps when embarking on this mission, especially with regards to companies’ HRDD process, and will provide practical examples that can be built on. We will also demonstrate how to overcome the barriers that brands are facing, such as obtaining company-wide buy-in as well as supplier feedback and its involvement in improving a brand’s purchasing practices. We will highlight good practices in tackling these barriers based on our learnings within the Learning and Implementation Community (LIC)*. * The LIC is a collaboration between Fair Wear, ETI, Ethical Trade Norway, the PST and Solidaridad (as a negotiating party to the Dutch Next Generation Agreement), with support of the STTI. Please register to attend this session.

  • When Feb 14, 2023 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Where Online
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