Responsible Business, Human Rights and Decent Work in Asia

by GIZ FABRIC created 2023-09-05T09:17:39+07:00
Harnessing synergies between human rights and inclusive growth


The objective of this event is to promote recognition among partner countries that resilient, sustainable, and inclusive economic growth, on the one hand, and respect for human rights and decent work for all, on the other, are interrelated elements that create synergies.

The event also aims at sharing country-specific experiences and approaches to boost efforts to respect human rights, including decent work for all, focusing on national ownership while recognising each country’s context.  

To achieve the above objectives, the event will, in particular:

  • Showcase initiatives aimed at promoting responsible business conduct and decent work in supply chains, in line with the UN, OECD and ILO instruments and frameworks at corporate, industry and national levels.
  • Strengthen the discussion among governments, workers’ and employers’ organisations and other supply chain actors, encouraging further cooperation and promotion of shared values based on international standards, including international labour standards.
  • Discuss the role of skills development and human capital investments in supporting responsible business, decent work and sustainable economic growth in Asia.


Opening remarks
Keynote speeches: How can we foster synergies between human rights and inclusive growth to contribute to a sustainable future?
Session 1: Unlocking Sustainable Growth through Responsible Business and Labour Practices: G7 and Asian Approaches
Closed sessions for constituent groups  
Session 2: Skills Development as a Contribution to the Synergies between Human Rights, Decent Work and Inclusive Growth
Session 3: Responsible Business Conduct: Initiatives at the Enterprise Level
Closing remarks

*Please see the detailed programme here.

Date and Time

Monday 18 September 2023
8:30 am - 5:40 pm (Jakarta time)

Registration for Online participation