Helsinki Fashion Week 2023

by GIZ FABRIC created 2023-07-05T15:24:10+07:00

Fashion is a reflection of what is happening in real life. The actions and thoughts of individuals have an increasing impact on today’s fashion industry, and social changes on a community level can be recognized on the runways of fashion weeks. What does this mean for the future of fashion?

Helsinki Fashion Week 2023 will focus on the growing interconnectedness within the industry. By reducing the gap between digital and physical fashion and by reacting more clearly to sustainability demands from consumer communities, this interconnectivity will bring fashion closer to the consumer.

Community and sustainability are visibly becoming essential pillars for the future of fashion. These values also remain the core of Helsinki Fashion Week.

In addition to its sustainability requirements for selected designers, Helsinki Fashion Week will focus on showcasing artists with innovative designs and production processes that contribute to the circular economy by creating a standard where repairing and alteration are more accessible and promoted.

The 2023 edition of Helsinki Fashion Week will also lead the way into a socially more sustainable fashion week culture by prioritizing inclusion throughout the production and fashion shows, bringing more attention to mental health and representation.

Helsinki Fashion Week 2023 will be the ninth annual sustainable fashion week held in the capital of Finland.