Circular Shift 2023 New York

by GIZ FABRIC created 2023-07-14T08:55:43+07:00
Circular Shift brings you new perspectives and insights from industry, governmental & finance leaders on making a circular future a reality.

Circular Shift 2023 New York is brought to the industry and the wider stakeholder community by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, providing a forum for leading professionals from business, policy, finance and other stakeholder groups to unite, share and learn from each other.

The event is a convention of senior leaders and renowned experts across sectors who make innovations for a circular future a reality, already today.

The content of the event will range from product innovation to supply chain collaboration, business model transformation and consumer engagement.


Circular Shift is a cross-sectoral event attracting decision makers from a diverse range of stakeholders and sectors, including built environment, furniture, fashion, textiles, cosmetics, personal care, cleaning products, electronics, automotive and packaging.

The event will provide insights into latest practices and innovations, powered by the Cradle to Cradle Certified® Products Program. Each attendee will engage with quality content and grow their understanding of current solutions and practical directions for their future work. Business success in the future will be largely defined by the capacity to adopt circular solutions and operate sustainably in the new economy. Circular Shift steps into this future, shows how it works in practice, and outlines how organizations can thrive within it.


Who should join

The conversations and discussions at Circular Shift are relevant to all stakeholder groups, from business, policy, civic society and finance.

Join us if you are amongst:

  • Decision makers or strategizers in areas such as corporate business development, policy setting, sustainability and circular strategies
  • Key representatives from fields such as R&D, innovation, product development, material development, design, or architecture
  • Stakeholders involved in private and public procurement, the supply chain, production or construction
  • Guardians of external business and consumer communications, including consumer engagement leads, marketing leads or brand champions.

What makes this event unique?

  • First hand insights into the the rigorous Cradle to Cradle Certified® Products Program for demonstrating industry leadership
  • Best practices to inform corporate sustainability strategies, and to future-proof R&D or innovation pipelines
  • Hands-on guidance from experienced practitioners on how to implement safe, circular and equitable practices
  • Approaches for a credible and validated way to inform purchasing decisions and to communicate with consumers

Register here.