Circular Fashion Now

by AGHub Admin created 2023-03-03T10:35:46+07:00
Symposium and Networking lunch + Circular Design Workshop – 17th March 2023.

Circular Fashion Now (CFN) is a City of Melbourne sponsored event designed for professionals within the fashion, textile and manufacturing sector who are interested in how they fit into the circular economy. CFN will serve to inspire and build an active network of small to medium businesses to enact systems change and help make the circular economy a reality for our local industry.

Our pivotal first event in Melbourne on 17th March 2023 will include: a series of interactive discussions, catered networking lunch, plus the option to participate in a hands-on circular design workshop.

Take part in two ways:

  • Register for the Morning: Symposium and Networking Lunch (9:00am - 2:00pm) OR
  • Register for the Full Day: Symposium and Networking Lunch + Circular Design Workshop (9:00pm-5:00pm)*

*Please note, Full Day tickets include a hands-on afternoon session for designers working in industry. This workshop has limited capacity, so be quick to avoid disappointment.

Event Overview

Morning: The symposium is an open dialogue of panels and talks discussing the challenges and opportunities of shifting to a completely circular model of fashion and textiles in Melbourne, but also across Victoria and Australia.

Lunch: We've designed lunch to be a place to connect and network with others in the industry. Make the most out of opportunities to collaborate and enact systems change.

Afternoon: The workshop component is an open-source environment for businesses to discover practical solutions to the circularity issues they face. This workshop is MOST ideal for practitioners who are currently working in industry.

Who is it for and why?

All are welcome, but please note CFN will particularly cater to fashion design, textile and apparel professionals from small to medium businesses (SMEs). The purpose of CFN is to equip and inspire SMEs to:

– Discover practical circular economy solutions

– Leverage their size and agility as a strength

– Grow a network of circular minded businesses

– Contribute to greater systems change in how clothes are designed, produced and cycled

The first event of CFN will also launch the Circular Sourcing Marketplace, a Sustainability Victoria (CEBIC) supported platform designed to enable Victorian businesses to buy and sell surplus and dead stock textiles.

First Nations attendees can access CFN for free. Please get in touch via email at and we will send you an access code.