Achieving a Smart Supply Chain with End-to-End Visibility

by GIZ FABRIC created 2023-05-29T19:57:54+07:00

In today's fast-paced business environment, having real-time supply chain visibility is crucial for success. Without insight into their supply chain, companies are at a significant disadvantage as they lack the ability to make data-driven decisions to quickly respond to disruptions and threats, reduce costs and inventory, and increase customer satisfaction. Visibility is a fundamental requirement for optimizing any supply chain. However, there are various levels of visibility. Simply tracking a shipment is insufficient; companies need to know what products are on it, who the customers are, and whether the products will arrive on time. Additionally, companies must consider the shipment's cost and carbon footprint to make informed decision.

Join our upcoming webinar to explore the importance of having a best-in-class supply chain to achieve a smart, resilient, and agile supply chain.

Attendees of this webinar will learn:

  • Key benefits companies achieve with supply chain visibility solutions.
  • Why visibility within a multi-enterprise supply chain business network results in greater agility, resiliency, and overall performance improvement.
  • What is needed for international visibility.


Heidi Benko
VP of Product, Infor Nexus

Heidi Benko is the VP of Product at Infor Nexus, responsible for the Visibility and Orchestration solutions. Heidi has over twenty years of experience in supply chain product management, solutions strategy and marketing, delivering innovative supply chain solutions to companies across industries that help them transform their supply chain operations.



Beth Hughes
Vice President, Trade and Customs Policy, AAFA

Beth Hughes is responsible for supporting the association's efforts on international trade and customs issues. Beth oversees AAFA’s Trade Policy Committee, as well as AAFA’s Customs Group. Before joining AAFA, Beth served for six years as senior director, international affairs at the International Dairy Foods Association. Beth earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science at George Washington University and received a Master of Arts in international affairs from Florida State University. 

  • What Due Diligence
  • When Jun 16, 2023 from 01:00 AM to 02:00 AM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Where online
  • Contact Name Stephanie Paendong
  • Web Visit external website
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