Better Cotton is pleased to announce that we will host our 2023 Better Cotton Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands as well as online on 21 and 22 June.

INNATEX is the only international trade fair for sustainable textiles in the world that offers a unique sales and communication platform not only to the traditional clothing sector but also to countless other textile product groups, including accessories, home textiles, fabrics, toys and many more.

Copenhagen Fashion Week strives towards making substantial changes to the way the event is executed, and works to encourage the industry to take steps towards more responsible business practices.

Early bird pricing through the end of the year!

Join AAFA as the Product Safety & Compliance Seminar returns to Long Beach, CA!

Join senior level executives in Washington, D.C. at the Executive Summit!

Der Supply Chain Summit bietet den Akteuren der Fashion Branche einen umfassenden Überblick darüber, wie sie nicht nur ihre Logistik-, sondern die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette und damit ihren Unternehmenserfolg optimieren können.

International trade fair for home and contract textiles

Focused on reducing supply chain, material, and product impacts along the fashion-product lifecycle

Largest collection of womenswear in the UK

Join AAFA as New Balance Athletics, Inc. hosts the Traceability & Sustainability Conference in Boston! The conference is held in conjunction with AAFA’s Social Responsibility Committee and Environmental Committee Meetings, followed a welcome reception on Tuesday, July 25 with the full-day conference on Wednesday, July 26. Separate registration is required for the committee meetings.

Register today and share with your supply chain partners!

Asian Dialogues on Sustainability in the Textile and Garment Industry Online Seminar Series - “Moving the needle: Creating the future together“