Webinar: The ‘S’ Hit the Fan - Amplifying ESG Efforts

by AGHub Admin created 2022-03-28T11:49:43+07:00

Is your organization complicit in forced labour and exploitation?
New regulations in key markets require you to measure the ‘S’ in ESG. If you are operating a global supply chain, especially from Asia, get practical insight into challenges and new transparency methods to reduce exposure to the risk of modern slavery. 
There is data and technology to help you see and maybe understand what may be going on in your supply chains. But do you actually know where exploitation is happening and how transparent are your operations below Tier 1? 
Can you trust ‘social’ audits? Do they ask migrant factory workers and other victims if their working conditions are acceptable? How can you get clear ‘S’ data to make decisions and manage your risks? 

Register now to hear Matt Friedman, CEO of The Mekong Club CEO, Sally Peng, MD of FTI Consulting, and Antony Crockett from Herbert Smith Freehills discuss pain points and regulations for the ‘S’ in ESG with Puvan Selvanathan, Founder and CEO of Bluenumber.

  • When Mar 31, 2022 from 03:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Where Online
  • Attendees Matthew Friedman, CEO, Mekong Club Sally Peng, Managing Director - Export Controls & Sanctions & Trade, FTI Consulting Antony Crockett, International law and cross-border dispute resolution specialist, Herbert Smith Freehills Dr Puvan J Selvanathan, CEO & Founder, Bluenumber Foundation
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