Respectful Supplier Relationships - Tips from the Pro's: Accelerating Improvement & Program Impact

by AGHub Admin created 2022-03-04T15:03:32+07:00

Mosaic's new webinar series "Tips from the Pros: Accelerating Improvement & Program Impact" is bringing you insights from professionals that have been doing crucial Social Compliance & Sourcing work for decades!

Like any new relationship, how it starts and is cultivated usually determines the chances for long-term success. Building respectful relationships is even more critical when seeking to navigate complex labor and environmental issues. Learn from seasoned sourcing “Pro’s” Shelly Gottschamer (Former Chief Sustainability and Sourcing Officer, Outerknown) and Cara Chacon (Former VP of Sustainability at Patagonia) on how best to engage new suppliers. Find out how to clearly, but respectfully communicate your sustainability expectations in a way that sets your suppliers up for success.