International Responsible Business Conduct in Renewable Energy Supply Chains

by GIZ FABRIC created 2022-05-17T10:28:39+07:00

In the light of the climate emergency and increased geopolitical tensions, the energy transition becomes increasingly important. At the same time, the renewable energy value  chain is associated with risks and impacts for people and the environment. These risks and impacts can occur throughout the supply chain, from the extraction of raw materials, the installation and deployment, towards the recycling of end-of-life wind turbines and solar panels. An approach to address such risks and impacts should therefore involve all actors along the full value chain, as well as governments and civil society actors. A successful transition to renewable energy sources should be sustainable, inclusive and just for all stakeholders involved in the sector.

This webinar will provide you with insights on human rights and environmental due diligence risks and impacts in renewable energy supply chains globally and will offer the latest information on due diligence practices and initiatives to address those risks. 

Who the webinar is for and what will be covered:
• This webinar is aimed at companies in the wind and solar energy sectors from the Netherlands, Europe and beyond, development finance institutions financing renewable energy projects, public and private decision makers and organisations involved in wind and solar energy , and other stakeholders interested in the topic of responsible business conduct in the renewable energy sector;
• Who want to know more about the actual and potential human rights and environment challenges in the renewable energy sector and existing solutions to tackle those challenges.

The webinar will consist of two panel discussions. In the first panel, we will focus on the existing challenges in the wind and solar energy sectors from different perspectives, such as civil society, industry and knowledge institutions, sharing examples from Europe and globally. In the second panel, we will introduce several practical solutions that the wind and solar energy industry can utilize to tackle those challenges and to prepare for the implementation of due diligence legislation.

What you will learn:
• After the webinar you will have a better understanding  what the most salient challenges in wind and solar energy value chain are; 
• You will have a better understanding which tools and guidance are available to support you in this process; 
• You will get more insights in how multi-stakeholder initiatives in the sector work and what such a sectoral approach can bring to implement due diligence.

You can register via this 

  • When Sep 07, 2022 from 08:00 PM to 09:30 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Where Online
  • Attendees Alexandra van Selm, Program Director, International Responsible Business Conduct, Social and Economic Council (SER) Netherlands Gabriela Factor, Chief Adviser Energy Transition and Human Rights, Danish Institute for Human Rights Saksham Nijhawan, Principal Strategist – Energy and Climate Change , Forum for the Future
  • Web Visit external website
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