World Circular Textiles Day: Report, Reflect, Celebrate

by AGHub Admin created 2021-10-01T16:50:56+07:00

World Circular Textiles Day is fast approaching, and the inaugural year is coming to a close. To celebrate the day and the progress that has been made, we will be hosting a 2-hour online livestream session: WCTD2021: Report, reflect, celebrate, on 8th October 2021, 14:00-16:00 BST.

During this session, we’ll be highlighting accomplishments across the industry, showing where progress has been made, as well as exploring the big challenges and needs of signatories in the ongoing quest to achieve full circularity by 2050. We are inviting you and your stories to provide the content by taking part in the three activities below.

  1. Make sure you’re on the #RoadmapTo2050 by submitting your company or initiative to the Circular Textiles Knowledge Hub by 8th October 2021:
  2. Submit your WCTD #CircularProgressUpdate, that we will retell on the day, to
  3. Create your own WCTD #CircularityAction; sit tight, and await further instruction from WCTD

NB: the recording of the Livestream will be available on our YouTube channel for continued viewing beyond the day.

[NOTE: Online connection details will be released in due course. You will receive these via registering here]