Unleash Opportunity Re-Build! #TalksWithPurpose

by AGHub Admin created 2021-09-21T19:30:36+07:00
We are pleased to invite you to join our 2021 online conference series Unleash Opportunity #TalksWithPurpose scheduled to run from June to November 2021.

The impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic have been significant for business, people, the planet and for society as a whole. Some of the most critical vulnerabilities of today’s global supply chains have been exposed and exacerbated. There is no “back to business as usual”.  

Businesses are facing the need for change in the way they work and approach innovation. Furthermore, governments, investors, and consumers are demanding for companies to change.

These unprecedent times coincide with growing calls for a more value-based trade and explains a raft of new policy requirements that could offer the opportunities to re-build sustainable and resilient supply chains.  


Thursday 30 September
Session 1 | SMEs and Due Diligence: Mission (Im)possible?
Time : 10:00-11:00 CEST
SMEs represent the backbone of the EU economy accounting for nearly 90 % of all businesses according to OECD data. They are also key actors in global supply chains. What if all SMEs were conducting due diligence? Is it even possible for SMEs to do so? This session aims on the one hand, to unpack the challenges that SMEs face when conducting due diligence and, on the other, discuss how best to design policies so that SMEs become part and parcel of due diligence.  

Session 2 | Responsible Purchasing Practices: A cornerstone of HRDD
Time : 14:00-15:15 CEST
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic businesses and workers across global supply chains have taken a devastating economic hit. Responsible purchasing practices are key to trengthen business relations, ensure business continuity and safeguard human rights across global value chains. This session aims to highlight the challenges producers face in ensuring business continuity, while meeting social and environmental standards in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role purchasing practices play and how a collaborative business approach can support growth and sustainability.   

Book your seat by clicking on Agenda and select the session you want to attend.

Take a sneak peek at the upcoming Unleash Opportunity sessions . Mark your calendar now and do not miss them in the future:                                

  • 7 October : Social Due Diligence                              
  • November : Closing the year  

We look forward to meeting you soon.