Transforming Apparel and Footwear Supply Chains

by AGHub Admin created 2021-08-28T04:34:17+07:00

The apparel and footwear industry has always been intensely competitive even in the best of times – and is currently in the midst of dramatic and disruptive change impacting all the key players across the supply chain. Rapidly changing customer purchasing habits; the need to improve environmental sustainability and social compliance; and relentless competitive pressure on quality, cost, and delivery are some of the leading factors driving this change.

In addition, disruptions brought about by the Covid-19 crisis – leading to lost sales, smaller order books, high attrition, cash-flow constraints, accumulation on non-moving inventories among others – have made the status quo and business-as-usual untenable for manufacturers and apparel/footwear brands alike.

In these extraordinary times, only organizations with exceptional focus on continual improvement and those intent on building a culture of excellence across the ‘end-to-end’ supply chain are likely to survive and thrive. Transformational thinking – building agility to respond to rapid changes across the supply chain, factories improving flow-efficiency through waste-free processes, improving right-first-time quality, buyers and factories developing ‘pull-flow’ thinking to improve On-time & In-full delivery rates while minimizing inventories – is the need of the hour. Learn how brands and manufacturers can take steps to start this mutually beneficial process in this session.

The virtual webinar and panel discussion take place on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021, 1 PM IST, 1:30 PM Bangladesh, 2:30 PM Indochina.

Click here to register for participation.