On the Road to Responsible Sourcing - How to achieve meaningful impact

by AGHub Admin created 2021-11-02T16:39:39+07:00

During three half-day sessions, you will have the opportunity to dive deeper into the following topics:

  1. Supply Chain Due Diligence - How to move towards meaningful and holistic impact?
  2. Responsible Sourcing for the Green Transition - A Roadmap to 2050
  3. Circular Economy and Responsible Sourcing – How to make global raw material flows more sustainable through circularity?

Whether you are a business manager, CSO representative or policy maker, this virtual conference will provide you with a rich experience including keynote lectures, panel discussions, project presentations, and its own resource library.

Please visit the event page for updates and save the event in your calendar!

RE-SOURCING (https://re-sourcing.eu/) is a Horizon 2020 project on Responsible Sourcing. The project aims at building a global stakeholder platform to mitigate social impacts, environmental burden and business risks at the same time. The project’s vision is to establish responsible sourcing as a common principle among EU and international stakeholders.

Register HERE!