International Labour Standards and Corporate Social Responsibility: The labour dimension of human rights due diligence

by ILO created 2021-09-17T17:19:10+07:00
Introduction to the course

Companies that fully understand their employees' rights are better at respecting them. In this course, participants work through the complex issues that companies may face when designing new due-diligence processes and principles . Core questions include: What should we do when national law is not consistent with the International Labour Standards? How can we balance competing rights? What should we do when the government does not fulfill its duty to protect workers?

Who attends this course?
Corporate social responsibility and sustainability professionals; government officials, particularly those working in the field of public procurement; employers' organization and trade-union corporate social responsibility and sustainability professionals.

What topics does this course cover?
This course is designed for professionals who want to link three key topics in their work:
  • International Labour Standards
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Human rights due diligence

The online course (e-campus) runs from 18 October to 12 November 2021 in English. The application deadline is 16 October 2021. Price Tuition: €985; Total: €985. Click HERE to apply!