Integrating Sustainability Across Your Value Chain

by AGHub Admin created 2021-11-16T17:10:09+07:00
There’s No Business on a Dead Planet…

2021 is a make or break moment for sustainable business. Your company needs to shift towards a collectively sustainable mindset throughout its operations and value chain, embedding sustainable practices into every job function.

Delivering a sustainable business is no longer limited to the Sustainability function; your business' entire value chain has a critical role to play in transforming business to be both purpose and profit driven. You must adopt innately sustainable practices to uphold and advance the reputation, resilience, and long-term profitability of your business. To make demonstrable advancements you must focus your efforts onto your supply chain which harbours the biggest issues but also opportunities. You must scale your collaborations and partnerships, support your procurement teams and deploy all available technology.

Reuters Events: Transform Europe 2021 will convene 2,000+ senior sustainability executives directly responsible for implementing systemic sustainable change across complex, global supply chains.