Human Rights Outlook 2021: Analysing human rights risk - From cities to supply chain

by AGHub Admin created 2021-10-09T05:52:47+07:00

In this year’s Human Rights Outlook, we’ve used our risk indices, subnational issue mapping, and ESG commodities data to take stock of the current trends, to dissect the cross-cutting issues driving risk, and to understand how and where human rights intersect with the world of business. Looking at the analysis as a whole, a clear theme emerges. From deteriorating labour rights in Asia’s supply chain hubs and corporate exposure to social risks in the world’s largest cities, to attacks on the separation of powers and the intersection of land grabs and commodity production – human rights do not exist in a vacuum. They are subject to the vicissitudes of governments, to poorly enforced and ineffectual laws, and the ebb and flow of market forces. We can no longer look at risk in silos, we must understand the bigger picture.

Through the webcast you’ll learn about:

  • Where labour rights are getting worse and why it matters to supply chains How 75% of the world’s largest cities are highly exposed human rights risks
  • Why judicial independence is under threat in 25% of countries
  • Which commodities pose the biggest threat of land grabs
  • When Nov 02, 2021 from 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Attendees Sofia Nazalya, Analyst, Human Rights Sam Haynes, Head of Risk Analytics​ Stacy Gilfillan, Managing Consultant
  • Web Visit external website
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