Fixing the textile industry’s tiny problem – A closer look at microplastics testing methods (Session 1)

by AGHub Admin created 2021-10-06T17:39:59+07:00

Pollution from microplastics, which refers to particles of plastic fragment smaller than 5mm, has become a global concern as more research and studies have identified the linkage of microplastics to various adverse and prolonged impacts to human health and the environment. To combat this problem collectively, different testing methods have recently been developed by the industry to systematically quantify the release of microplastics from textiles products and help look for solutions to this pollution. If you are hoping to be a part of this collective force and tackle this tiny problem together, be sure to tune in to a one-hour webinar where experts from Eurofins Softlines & Leather will walk you through:

- Microplastics testing standardisation in Europe

- An introduction of test methods (The Microfibre Consortium and ISO)

- Eurofins’ in-house test methods and first-hand knowledge sharing

Register Here for the webinar.