Can we grow artificial leather? The future of materials with Andras Forgacs

by AGHub Admin created 2021-11-05T17:41:20+07:00
How will the world move away from petrochemical and animal-derived materials? Join us to hear the founder of Modern Meadow, Andras Forgacs.
Modern Meadow are pioneers of biofabrication, building with biology. At the intersection of biotechnology and material science, they harness the unique properties of proteins to engineer materials with superior colour, performance to lead the shift to a sustainable bioeconomy. Named as a 2018 Tech Pioneer by the World Economic Forum, Modern Meadow enables new design and performance possibilities and partners with some of the world’s thought-leading brands to transform the material world and design for a healthier planet.

Andras Forgacs is a serial entrepreneur in deep tech and life sciences. He is leading the company into a new age of biofabrication, working to transform the world of materials by unlocking the power of nature to offer new design possibilities. Andras is founding chairman of the international non-profit Resolution Project and was a Kauffman Fellow with the Centre for Venture Education.