Applying the Green Claims Code: How to ensure you're not greenwashing

by AGHub Admin created 2021-11-19T15:23:21+07:00
Get up to speed with the new CMA regulations, ensure your company isn't greenwashing and get new ideas for your marketing strategy!

Did you know the law on marketing your sustainability is changing?
Want to use your green credentials to attract new customers, but not sure how to stay compliant?

This masterclass is for you!

Join ethical communications strategist and anti-greenwashing expert Sian Conway-Wood for an interactive session where you will learn:

  • How the CMA's new Green Claims Code affects your marketing
  • Easy ways to substantiate your green claims
  • Practical strategies to leverage your eco credentials and attract more clients
  • How to avoid greenwashing
  • How to talk about your sustainability journey confidently, even if you're not "100% green" yet

Is your company working to be more sustainable?

Are you talking about your eco-credentials in your marketing?

1 in 3 customers have stopped buying a product because of concerns about its sustainability (according to Deloitte). Companies that are slow to "go green" are leaving money on the table!

Your sustainability needs to be a key part of your marketing messaging to meet the growing demand for brands that prioritise people and planet.

But in January 2022, the UK's Competitions & Markets Authority (CMA) will start enforcing the new Green Claims Code...

The code is to protect customers from misleading environmental claims and greenwashing, and from January the CMA and Trading Standards will have the power to bring court proceedings in relation to any misleading green claims made about a company, product or service.

They have already said that they're particularly keen to investigate businesses involved in textiles and fashion, travel and transport and fast-moving consumer goods.
If you're making any green claims anywhere in your marketing, on your packaging or as part of your promotional strategy, you need to comply with the Green Claims Code. Join this masterclass to find out how.

The masterclass will be held on Zoom and a replay will be made available for those that register to attend.