“Delivering Due Diligence” - A Timely Educational Series

by AGHub Admin created 2021-11-05T17:33:25+07:00
Electronics Watch, IndustriAll Global Union, the Fair Trade Advocacy Office and Rethinking Value Chains come together to deliver an educational series on human rights and environmental due diligence.

The new webinar series, with simultaneous translation to/from French, will develop an understanding of due diligence that can benefit workers and communities in a meaningful, measurable and transparent way. We will show how public buyers can apply and demand such a due diligence in their procurement process.

Public buyers consider social and environmental impacts of their procurement already now. The idea of human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD) is increasingly central to their activities, putting forward the challenge for public buyers of how to verify and enforce it. But what is due diligence? And how can it be measured and enforced?

With this series we want to deliver input for the discussion around the European Commission proposal for mandatory HREDD.

Six sessions will expand on central aspects of HREDD and its role in public procurement, ranging from verification, enforcement and, remedy, to policies and practices, as well as supporting services for public buyers.

1. Scope of Due Diligence: Tiers, Risks, and Transparency

Speakers at the first session include:

  • Heidi Hautala, Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on International Trade and of the Subcommittee on Human Rights, Founder of the European Parliament working group for Responsible Business Conduct
  • Kan Matsuzaki, Assistant General Secretary, Director, ICT, Electrical and Electronics, Shipbuilding and Shipbreaking, IndustriALL
  • Kristin Tallbo, Sustainability Strategist, Adda Central Purchasing Body, Sweden
  • Alejandro García Esteban, Policy Officer, European Coalition for Corporate Justice
  • Matthew Galvin, Responsible Purchasing Manager, Greater London Authority, England

Click here for more details and to register.