Indo-German Chamber of Commerce

Healthcare and Safety Practices During Covid-19 in Textile Industry Virtual Training
Certified and sponsored training will impart participants with the knowledge to ensure the safe operation of textile manufacturers in India and protect workers against the danger of the covid-19. Focusing on hygiene practices, protocols and technical aspects of health and safety for workers and employees working in the textile sectors.

Safe and Secure Operation in the Textile Industry Amid Omicron Variant in India
The IGCC invites you to the launch event of our Healthcare and Safety Training to support textile manufacturers in India in their efforts to stay operational safely. The event will highlight the current situation in India textile industry from the perspective of relevant stakeholders and experts.

Unpacking Business & Human Rights for SME’s: Perspective and Insights
The Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) in collaboration with Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) and The Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) will be organizing a virtual knowledge session on "Unpacking Business & Human Rights for SME’s: Perspective and Insights”. The Event bring the dialogue of responsible business/sustainability/business & human rights to the SMEs; to unpack in practical terms for SMEs what responsible business entails through some good practice examples and approaches, expectations of big businesses today.