Exploring Information Flow – how data is passed and reported in chemical management

Pragmatically, chemical management is about having an effective reporting system to collect, record, and report authentic data along the flow of materials. This session brings together a chemical supplier and a vertically integrated garment supplier to share their insights on chemical data management.

The session is to bring up a discussion on chemical data management along the fashion supply chain to reveal the information gaps which is not just information not being passed on but also about who owns what data and how to build a common ground to share those data.

The invited panelists will walk through the different scenarios of chemical data reporting to provide a clearer picture of chemical suppliers’ dilemmas and garment suppliers’ specific challenges. The shared insights are not only reflecting the regional garment suppliers’ common experiences but also provide more clues on how to improve the transparency and traceability of chemical management.


Mian Saqib Sohail

Responsible Business Projects- Lead, Artistic Milliners

A lifelong learner with decades of diverse experiences in the textile and education industry. Currently, Saqib Sohail works at Artistic Milliners in Pakistan focusing on ESG and sustainable cotton projects

Isabella Tonaco

Executive Director, Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry

With 10+ years of experience in sustainability, Isabella Tonaco is the Executive Director for Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry with the mission to empower and accelerate the value chain in the transition from chemical compliance to sustainable impact.


Jessie Li

Co-Founder Manufactured podcast/Consultant


This technical seminar is part of the Asian Dialogues series, which aims to bring together industry enthusiasts and representatives – from brands, suppliers, workers, civil society, and government bodies from Asia and beyond. This event series was initiated by GIZ FABRIC with the goal of connecting these stakeholders and fostering knowledge exchange across the industry.

  • When Sep 27, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 04:15 PM (Asia/Bangkok / UTC700)
  • Where Online
  • Attendees Mian Saqib Sohail, Artistic Milliners Isabella Tonaco, SCTI
  • Add event to calendar iCal